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I’m still struggling to fathom how Hyesung’s feelings can change so quickly

Kmsing November 15, 2018 6:42 pm

I’m still struggling to fathom how Hyesung’s feelings can change in just the snap of a, he literally wanted nothing to do with Dojin or Byul throughout his whole pregnancy and even went so far as to go and prepare to have sex with another dude, only to come back solely because they’re bonded? It’s like Hyesung’s character did a complete flip. It’s badly written, to say the least. I have no doubt that their love is nothing but an illusion.

Also, this is off topic, but can we stop normalizing rape just because it’s fiction? Yes, it’s been addressed already, but we can’t just brush it off like it’s nothing. Whether y’all like it or not, their relationship did come out of rape, and rape is never a good thing. It’s not “hot”, nor is it “cute”, and it’s questionable why y’all would even think that way. But, I digress.

    gu. November 15, 2018 6:51 pm

    I give up on their story to be honest cuz u are right it doesn't make sense at all I mean he even started thinking about a baby he didn't want him even so suddenly , I really hope the author correct this somehow and not keep their love an illusion anymore otherwise I will wish for a better story of hesoo and dojun where there's no such mistake

    Usako November 16, 2018 1:25 pm

    What makes you think he's changed? It's called "self preservation", and he's been doing that since the beginning.

    "Normalizing rape" means nothing to me when it's in a story. To me, it's used to progress a plot. Because it's a story. There is a difference. There are no blurred lines. No, I don't get off on it. But I do recognize it's just a story. My opinion is that people who complain "rape this and rape that, yadda yadda, normalizing rape, rape rape rape rape" give too little credit for that fact. But, it's just an opinion!

    Not once, have I ever seen a post that claims, someone read a yaoi with rape in it, then went out into the "real world" to rape and pillage the same way. To be honest, even if I did see a message like that, I'd probably not believe it was true. I would just think they were trying to mess around and poke fun. Then again, it might have only been a story . . . .

    Kmsing November 16, 2018 5:53 pm
    What makes you think he's changed? It's called "self preservation", and he's been doing that since the beginning."Normalizing rape" means nothing to me when it's in a story. To me, it's used to progress a plo... Usako

    Why do y’all keep missing my point? There’s no problem with putting rape, violence, and other graphic content in a story. Such things give the story substance, it plays at the readers feelings. However, if someone starts getting off on it and calling it cute, then there’s a problem, because that’s when it becomes harmful.