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No blooming way is that girl 10 years old, why is she being drawn as though she is just st...

Anonymous November 3, 2018 8:18 pm

No blooming way is that girl 10 years old, why is she being drawn as though she is just starting school, and being carried as if she is a toddler! Also, she is so spoiled,and completely coddled by her dad. Refusing to eat food because it's apparently not cute and girly is not what you would expect from someone who is due to start high school in a year or two. This just seems bad writing on the authors part.

    Daniela November 4, 2018 10:09 am

    The mother left, the father has no idea to take care of the child (the mother probably left years ago hence he treats the kid like she’s 4 or something). Like dude, he can’t even cook a simple meal the only thing he knows about is how to rule a company.
    Won ? (Something, the oppa) works at a toy company, he sees the statistics of what sells the most, he sees what super girly girls like hence gives that & the 10 year old kid who’s like a 4 year old is like “Oooooh so cute! So sparkly! I love it! I want more” - she’s spoiled, her daddy will her everything because he has the money to do so.

    Sugarjet November 9, 2018 11:10 pm

    I don’t know my daughter still acts a little like this, though not to that extent and she’s now 7. I’ve also seen some of the kids in her class that are like portrayed here. By the way... also from a single parent household, I think that has a bit to do with it. Gotta remember not all kids are the same and everyone has a different perspective of what a kid should be like if they don’t have experience with them.

    Anonymous December 8, 2018 8:03 pm

    This 10 year old dealing with a mother who left to find "love" and a father who is cluless on how to deal with it. He got mad at her tea party with her absent mom bec. of the mess not understanding that may be the child was missing her mother. He is holding down a job and running a household which in S.K is no mean feat as a single parent. Look how tired he always appears. She may be extra clingy bec. mom up and left the child does not want him to disappear too.

    Anonymous January 29, 2019 1:47 pm
    This 10 year old dealing with a mother who left to find "love" and a father who is cluless on how to deal with it. He got mad at her tea party with her absent mom bec. of the mess not understanding that may be ... @Anonymous

    Sorry, but there are many children raised by single fathers that don't act completely bratty and cause their parent trouble by throwing a tantrum and refusals because a vegetable isn't cut up cutely. She's 10 years old, in a couple of years time she will be moving into secondary education, and she is being carried constantly like a toddler and is drawn like one too. The author should have just made her a rather obnoxious toddler, who gets away with it because she's too young to know better at this point, not a bloody 10 year old omg. Also, 10 years old can still be "daddy's girls" and play with their dolls , this isn't the behaviour that is being criticised.