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spiff November 2, 2018 1:10 pm

I have no trouble choosing between the two. Sure, Alek is sexy and mysterious or whatever but Ivan just is a much better person for Hyun. Ivan and Hyun already have quite the chemistry between them and I feel that with each other they could find real love. Alek seems far too manipulative and calculating to be anything more than a good casual fuck. Also, y'all act like Ivan ain't just as sexy or even sexier than Alek. But lemme tell you. Dark skin, light hair, CARES FOR HYUN, is a funny ass dude, gives some good dick -- that's what I call sexy.

    RaeFest November 3, 2018 2:20 am

    I intent to let you know I'd like your comment a hundred fold but theres no option for it and that I agree with you af.