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This is the time when we should admire the parent's efforts and work to maintain their chi...

Haru-Nikiforov October 30, 2018 10:12 pm

This is the time when we should admire the parent's efforts and work to maintain their children. Really, how a mother, a father can lie to us only to leave us in our little happy world.

I am an adopted child and I always think of why did my parents leaeve me? Didn't they love me, did they though I was a burden, didn't they like me because I was a girl, because their country don't let them have more than 2 children? These questions will be always on my mind.

And I think it's normal for the pink hair guy to be angry with his mother, but they need to have a serious chat. She needs to tell her child what she lived, what she had to do in order to continue living and to provide a future for his child.

It's really sad how a lot of parents have to leave their children because they can't afford to take care of them, and how many children ask to themseles the same questions I have and most can't have anwsers.
