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Every time I read this.....

Zoey Zoey Zoey October 29, 2018 5:47 am

(Bc it’s super sexy I’ve read it several times) I’m a bit bothered by him rubbing his semen into Yuichi’s legs, bc that shit doesn’t soak in. Its not oil or lotion. It’s more like egg whites. It’s kind of like when you have dry skin and you put lotion on after a shower (and you didn’t exfoliate properly) and your dead skin kind of comes off in little balls. Once semen drys a bit it’s really sticky. If you rub it in it’s going to get sticky then dry and then it’ll be like rubbing your hands over dried school glue -it’s going to come of all gummy like. If it gets stuck in any leg hair it’s going to be hell to get off. It’s a hot scene except I’m imagining him rubbing dried jizz that’s pilling up under his hands. It makes me wonder how much experience this mangaka has with actual jizz on the body. There has to be a better way to do that scene. Except probably I’m one of the only ppl to get bothered by these small things. Saeko is one of the only mangaka’s I’m able to not get to bothered by the way she doesn’t provide much in the way of lube for her uke’s. Normally that throws me totally out of the story, but for some reason with Saeko’s work I’m able to not be distracted by it. Maybe it’s bc in the drawings it appears as though the uke has been liberally doused with lube. Idk, but while I’m able to not get tripped up by that I’m still bothered by other stupid shit. It’s a complete fantasy world yet I have these stupid moments when thoughts of how it would work in reality that fuck the fantasy up for me.

    Zoey Zoey Zoey October 29, 2018 7:05 am

    Also page 27 of chapter four. Kurosawa San’s dick looks like it’s got darth Vader’s helmet on.

    Mameiha November 19, 2018 12:43 am

    You're as bad as I am! We both think too much! Fantasy is only good when you have never experienced the reality. Like, I've experienced unlubricated anal.... So not fun! So, when I see it in manga, I cringe in pain remembering the reality I experienced. It ruins the fantasy. As for dry jizz on the body, I admit that it doesn't make a good lotion, but it does do a great job as an exfoliant. It pulls off all the dead skin without harsh rubbing of a brush, stone or sponge. Since it does act like glue, it grabs all the dead skin it touches. If you rinse it rather than rub it, it still takes all the dead skin with it as it washes away. But as a lotion it's a no go. It stays sticky and attracts dirt, fuzz and all other manner of dust and hair - like pet hair if you have them. It's a gross feeling and requires a total and hot shower to get it all to rinse off. Ugh.

    kiichan123 March 9, 2019 2:38 am

    lol same (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Zoey Zoey Zoey March 9, 2019 9:23 am

    Ikr, even lubricated anal can be tough sometimes. For some reason with my ex I suddenly couldn’t stand anal sex anymore. Like it beams extremely painful. We put like a whole bottle of lube in there and I still couldn’t take it. Made no sense. Not a fun memory but I’d once had a guy force it on me with no lube and it didn’t hurt like that. Eventually my body got back to normal but I always wondered why it started hurting so much out of nowhere. Maybe it was one of those things where mental trauma effects your body, idk. I read that unresolved trauma can lead to chronic pain and chronic health issues later in life. Anyways I sometimes think that reading manga like these will give virgins unrealistic ideas about sex of any kind. It’s not as easy as they make it look. Even vaginal sex wasn’t easy. Like I had sex with a few guys before my hymen actually broke. (I guess I had an exceptionally tough one.) Also sex wasn’t anything like what it was portrayed like in the stuff I’d read. Sex education in America is bullshit so I just wasn’t prepared for what sex was really like. My friends all said it felt great but I think it was just 14 year old bravado. Sex can be great but it’s mever made me drool all over the place(unless I was giving head

    Mameiha March 10, 2019 2:43 am
    Ikr, even lubricated anal can be tough sometimes. For some reason with my ex I suddenly couldn’t stand anal sex anymore. Like it beams extremely painful. We put like a whole bottle of lube in there and I stil... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    I think you're on to something in regards to past trauma and chronic pain. The human psyche is really so fragile. Screw it up and the body will follow.

    I think we are all guilty of assuming that since sex is a real life act, it will be portrayed accurately in manga, novels and movies. Well, until we experience it for ourselves, anyway. That is when we realize how different fantasy and reality really are. Though not many, I have had a few painful experiences with sex. The best sex I've ever had was with my husband. Not because he is particularly good at it or well built for it, but because of the deep emotional bond we shared. I don't think you have to be in love to have sex, but it sure as hell makes it better. I have had sex that rendered me unconscious, but I have never drooled unless I was giving head.

    mrs_F March 19, 2019 9:53 am
    Also page 27 of chapter four. Kurosawa San’s dick looks like it’s got darth Vader’s helmet on. Zoey Zoey Zoey

    Omg this! I can’t! Hahaha

    Sohi May 18, 2019 1:16 am

    When he rubbed his sperm on his legs it actually said "It's crusty" somewhere.

    TatsumiTsuki December 23, 2019 5:32 am
    Ikr, even lubricated anal can be tough sometimes. For some reason with my ex I suddenly couldn’t stand anal sex anymore. Like it beams extremely painful. We put like a whole bottle of lube in there and I stil... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    Anal sex could also hurt due to internal hemorrhoids; some people have them and don’t even realize it. But it could be the trauma, as well, as you were saying.

    Zoey Zoey Zoey December 24, 2019 9:11 am

    No it was deep inside plus I’d just had a dr look in my butt. For some reason going to the dr for heartburn ended up with a endoscopy and a rectal exam. Either the dr was a perv or he liked my good insurance. I’m thinking it’s the later. It was literally from drinking soda to much. I quit drinking it and started drinking herbal tea and seltzer and my heartburn was gone. Who know what it was, I mean I also got raped vaginally and could still deal with vaginal sex. But the bodies weird. Like I had a baby and she got stuck in my vaginal canal and now putting a tampon in is hard. Like there’s twists and turns in there that weren’t there before.

    TatsumiTsuki December 24, 2019 5:27 pm

    I’m so sorry that you’ve been violated and mistreated; wtf is wrong with people?? I just don’t even understand how one could do that to somebody else...I once was having sex with my ex-husband, and he had mono at the time, and he started feeling not right, so we stopped, and even in THAT situation with consent and all, I felt guilty as people can do it without consent just doesn’t compute!!

    I’m relieved that you had benign test results! And yes, soda can fuck people up; I gave it up as a regular drink about 11 or 12 years ago, and I don’t miss it! It causes so many health issues to have steady streams of sugar going through one’s body every day. I’m glad that the herbal teas are treating you better!

    I do not have children, but JEEZ O PEETS that sounds painful!! Man, I hope that the twists and turns don’t give you too much trouble!