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What does a fujoshi got to do so Jinha will end up with Lu Xuan?? The story is only a bit ...

Fujoshi_jnu October 25, 2018 2:26 pm

What does a fujoshi got to do so Jinha will end up with Lu Xuan??
The story is only a bit interesting because he has not much to say anymore so we don't have to see him as much.
Also if the author is able to pull that off with everybody satisfied, that's the only way that story might actually be a great read because even if we'd disagree with the new ending pair, we'd see where it would've come from and how it would've end up there. That or Jinha ending up single. The go Siwon x Jinha pairing is a lost cause. The most cliche, boring and annoying thingthat could ever happen.
