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i wish these writers actually

mckeekmb October 22, 2018 11:26 pm

keep going and either finish what they started or keep it going! instead of making another new reincarnating novel!

    D4rkhonor October 24, 2018 3:58 pm

    it would be nice, but it's hard to make an ending for these novels, since in most cases the main characters become too powerful too quickly and there's barely any plot anymore, so it would be weird to suddenly introduce a story after 50 chapters of levels/stats being multiplied by 2, or it just evolves into a drama with lots of politics and there's no end to it then.

    D4rkhonor October 24, 2018 4:00 pm

    but i guess you could always just go read the novel until you get bored of it. trust me, you probably will get bored of it after a few chapters

    Theystolemyname October 28, 2018 9:53 pm
    but i guess you could always just go read the novel until you get bored of it. trust me, you probably will get bored of it after a few chapters D4rkhonor

    That's what I always do. I start an isekai, read it till my enthusiasm lasts, then forget about it's existense and next time I start something new. Or I bookmark it and for the next couple month read a sentence or two in one sitting until I completely drop it.