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kyumi234 October 19, 2018 8:51 am

If there was one character I loved the most, it's definitely Mr. Kim! XD I loved how even tho he obviously liked hae gyoung, he still helped out bo young all the time and I really appreciated and respected him for that:) I also really liked bo- young too, but i hated how she was too much of a good person to let sena take all the blame because a guilty conscience like that could get u in real big trouble in real life, but it's good that everything worked out in the end. As for Sena, she's in my list of pitiful characters, I relate to her loneliness of having no close friends when I was in my early years of high school and I'm glad that she came to really care about Bo-Young even tho she was only being her friend to expose her later on. Hae Gyoung is.....cute and funny i guess, but he doesn't really stand out to me, or maybe I'm just too tired to talk details about wat i think about him cause i just finished reading the rest of this webtoon in one night lol XD I am soooooo gunna reread this masterpiece. This is almost as good as cheese in the trap webtoon and that's REALLY something. It's probably cause Mr.Kim and Jung Yoo are similar in many ways and I like clever and cool characters like them cause they're the most interesting and entertaining to read about;)
