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I always put off reading this but I’m so glad I finally picked it up!! Dohye is so cute ...

Amber October 18, 2018 6:26 am

I always put off reading this but I’m so glad I finally picked it up!! Dohye is so cute and I’m glad that noah had him even if it was just for a short time. Neyeon annoys me a bit just because she knows he has trauma and yet does things somtimes that overlap with the traumatic experiences, also she does ask for consent most of the time but sometimes she doesnt before she does stuff and I think she meeds to. Regardless of this I think neyeon and noah should be together now until either one decides to change their mind, they are good together even if theyre just tryinh to heal eachother in some way. Also side note FUCK THE SISTER AND THOSE OLD BITCHES, EVEN THE DADS A BIT WIERD AND I DONT TRUST HIM
