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I admit that the lady is in the wrong for blaming Mingqi of stealing her boyfriend's atten...

innocents October 18, 2018 12:36 am

I admit that the lady is in the wrong for blaming Mingqi of stealing her boyfriend's attention. But, I believe that she has some right to feel the way she does. She's loved the guy for four years, but he never once put her first. She may be acting selfish, but she probably wasn't against her boyfriend taking care of Mingqi in the beginning. It's only when she realized that no matter what, Mingqi comes first that she became spiteful.

Though I'm not saying that gives her the right to hate on baby Mingqi. At least, that's what I think.

    youraedthiswrogn October 18, 2018 1:23 am

    See, i can't really emathize with that though. Think about it, what she's basically saying is "stop raising your son and pay attention to me". Put yourself in his shoes and tell me you wouldn't drop her like a hot potato. That's literally just not something you say. What if your dad or mom had started dating someone and that person started getting jealous of you and verbally attacking you? Also, you mention 4 years, but how long do you think it takes to raise a child? He wasn't planning to just... Stop raising him at some point. She should've made an attempt to adapt, not "put up" with it. SHE chose to stay knowing how he is. He's not even doing anything wrong, he's looking after his child.

    puffrancy October 18, 2018 10:23 am
    See, i can't really emathize with that though. Think about it, what she's basically saying is "stop raising your son and pay attention to me". Put yourself in his shoes and tell me you wouldn't drop her like a ... youraedthiswrogn

    your reasoning is right, but everyone wants to fill important for their partner, whether parent or not, it's a matter of balance.

    youraedthiswrogn October 20, 2018 12:06 pm
    your reasoning is right, but everyone wants to fill important for their partner, whether parent or not, it's a matter of balance. puffrancy

    Right, and if she'd made an effort to raise him WITH the guy rather than looking at him as an obstacle she'd probably have that "family" she wants so bad, but instead she strained their relationship by being a bitch about it every time his son was brought up. His kindness, the fact that he ADOPTED A CHILD is something very lovable and special that she could've participated in, but instead she was petty.

    Fujoshi2Deep October 21, 2018 8:09 am
    See, i can't really emathize with that though. Think about it, what she's basically saying is "stop raising your son and pay attention to me". Put yourself in his shoes and tell me you wouldn't drop her like a ... youraedthiswrogn

    Well I think outside of his son, i would agree that she has a right to be dissatisfied . but the way she went about it was the worst possible decision on her part .
    With Minqi , well she done fucked up . as an adult she should never blame a child, corner a child or manipulate them . they both put minqi in a horrible spot . even the boyfriend . he fucked up the worst for keeping someone, who is antagonizing minqi, in their life . then he goes and doesnt address minqi first. (adressing him first is my opinion though. adults have a stronger footing and independence to make and change future decisions but children are restrained and unaware. raising a child should always come with the intent of making sure theyre ok)
    anyway , i agree that she was the toxic part of the relationship . but the boyfriend made irresponsible decision keeping that kind of woman around minqi .

    youraedthiswrogn October 21, 2018 11:11 am
    Well I think outside of his son, i would agree that she has a right to be dissatisfied . but the way she went about it was the worst possible decision on her part .With Minqi , well she done fucked up . as an a... Fujoshi2Deep

    Yeah, i can agree with that.