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The only thing going for this, is that Viktor's name is spelled right. The author might as...

Anonymous October 11, 2018 9:58 am

The only thing going for this, is that Viktor's name is spelled right. The author might aswell as have just created hentai, as the plots had f all to do with the characters. Making Yuuri, who is a grown man and an athlete into this childish looking person, and dressing him up as school girl is just weird. Then they say that Yuuri is a girl and the aim is to get him pregnant, with Yuuri acting like a typical nonsensical hentai porn character that just loves to be filled with semen and is completely submissive. Why would Viktor have a kink for seeing his fiancee in a Japanese school girl outfit and trying to pretend to get them pregnant? The Russian Federation isn't Japan, different laws, different culture. If a grown man said he had such a kink he would be viewed as a criminal or pervert. Anyway, it was a bad DJ, really really bad.
