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LetsBeReal October 4, 2018 6:57 pm

Is the Uke going to be good? Like, a strong and smart character? If not I don’t wanna read it only to get angry. I mean, he’s freaking Lucifer!! He should be powerful and at least likeable. Anyways please tell me if you know! Thank you!

    Kazure October 5, 2018 7:55 pm

    yes frustrating ukes are a turn off but yea no, i dunno if he's gonna be what we hope him to be lol i just wanted to let you know we share the same mindset

    LetsBeReal October 5, 2018 9:53 pm
    yes frustrating ukes are a turn off but yea no, i dunno if he's gonna be what we hope him to be lol i just wanted to let you know we share the same mindset Kazure

    Thanks for saying that actually. I’m glad that I’m not the only one struggling.