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I think the cooker wasn't talking about his money, I think Sebastian told him something us...

Haru-Nikiforov September 29, 2018 5:18 pm

I think the cooker wasn't talking about his money, I think Sebastian told him something useful and the cooker with the other employes will help Sebastian and Ciel's twin.

New reasons to shipp Sebaciel: Elizabeth is just an interested girl. I mean she was educated in the typical sexist rules: women are only properties of men. So Elizabeth believed she loved Ciel's social position, not Ciel. In reality, the fault comes from that old (and still in some places nowadays) society which dictated the roles and the life of people.

Ciel's twin only needs Sebastian. But well, Sebastian is a demon and he could take advantage of Ciel's twin weakness. I hope not.

    hikari-chan October 1, 2018 4:15 am

    i agree with you. when bard asked about their salary, it's as if he's asking if they'll come for the rescue or not