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MeMeMe September 29, 2018 5:37 am

How to keep a long distance friendship in college I just started college and my childhood best friend of 10 years and I go to different colleges. She’s really a person I treasure so much but I just have a sucky personality where when something gets too hard I want to stop putting effort into it if I know nothing’s gonna come out of it...we text every day but it seems like she is getting closer to friends she’s made at her college while it’s really hard for me to make close friends. Of course she’s going into the medical field while I’m majoring in English so she’s taking more classes and is much more busy than I am...sometimes I feel as though she doesn’t want to put in effort anymore to maintain our friendship, and that makes me feel really lonely and sad.

I want her to be happy and make lots of great friends but at the same time every adult keeps on telling me that the friends you make in college are the friends that you’re going to have forever, they tell me that they don’t even talk to their highschool friends anymore/haven’t met up with them for 10-15 years. Sometimes I think that since we have no guarantee that we will be in eachother’s future so all that I can do is keep in contact with her until both of us grow further apart from eachother...

I don’t know what I should do or how I should feel anymore, anyone got any suggestions? Also, if you read this far thank you

    DamnDam September 29, 2018 6:09 am

    I've had something similar to this happen to me, and I think the best thing is to not force it. You can still contact her and talk, but do it when you feel like it.

    Forcing yourself to maintain the relationship will only cause strain and make it awkward. Anyway, you just shouldn't try to force the relationship.

    peachie-kun September 29, 2018 6:29 am

    Hey ive experienced this same thing so I completely understand. The best option is to be open with your friend about it. Confront her and just get a feel for how she views your friendship. She might be feeling the same way.

    It's hard but try being open and honest about your feelings. Things become too murky and complicated the longer you wait without taking action. That is what I have learned during my few years of college. Good luck!

    Xxrainy_bluexX September 29, 2018 6:39 am

    Im kinda facing something similiar too

    In order for relationships to work (be it romantic or friendship) the people in the relationship have to put in the effort but it seems like both you and her don't want to put in alot of efforts to maintain the relationship then whatever happens, happens. The whole idea of "friends that you make in college are friends you're going to have forever" doesn't apply to everyone. If you guys do grow apart, it's fine, friends come and go all the time.

    But even if both of you grew distance, that doesn't mean you guys aren't friends anymore. You can keep it casual and hang out once in a while to catch up on things (thats pretty much me and my friends honestly) Make new friends! Meet new people!

    Anonymous September 29, 2018 6:41 am

    Well let me tell something from a person in the med field...not all but most of us don’t overthink about friends and friendship. In my case I don’t really care about friends but I have to have good relationships with people I’m “stuck” with. I really have no time for the drama of friends I used to have in high school and considering I’m an introvert by nature people exhaust me
    To be fair I am just telling u to see it from her point of is hard to take breath in this environment, no joking I do t even hang out with ppl in my own fielbit we see each other frequently.
    I’m not sure if she is as busy as I am (because I’m in my fifth year which harder ) but I think it is unintentional and it doesn’t have to be as frequent as before but it could still be there
    Like I have friends I meet up once or twice ayear and of course it isn’t the same but we are still friends
    She may not mean it and wants to still be ur friend. Distance can make u grow apart but not necessarily not be friends anymore
    Hope u can make more friends in ur own field and be happy
    Tbh u r so cute for having such concerns about ur friends XXD

    MeMeMe September 29, 2018 7:46 am
    I've had something similar to this happen to me, and I think the best thing is to not force it. You can still contact her and talk, but do it when you feel like it. Forcing yourself to maintain the relationship... @DamnDam

    You’re right, I should just relax and get rid of all my anxiousness

    MeMeMe September 29, 2018 7:48 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Lilac_liz

    Thank you for your advice, drifting away from her because of my worries is not the right way to maintain a friendship, I should just be comfortable

    MeMeMe September 29, 2018 8:11 am
    Im kinda facing something similiar tooIn order for relationships to work (be it romantic or friendship) the people in the relationship have to put in the effort but it seems like both you and her don't want to ... Xxrainy_bluexX

    Honestly that’s great advice, we aren’t children anymore who are always together like in high school. I can’t always rely on on her being the closest to me, we all have to become independent at some point.

    MeMeMe September 29, 2018 8:13 am
    Hey ive experienced this same thing so I completely understand. The best option is to be open with your friend about it. Confront her and just get a feel for how she views your friendship. She might be feeling ... peachie-kun

    I think that would be kind of hard for me because I was always one to listen to others’ worries but I never wanted to burden my friends with mine. Opening up is uncomfortable for me but maybe that needs to be a step I take in order to change for the better.

    MeMeMe September 29, 2018 8:19 am
    Well let me tell something from a person in the med field...not all but most of us don’t overthink about friends and friendship. In my case I don’t really care about friends but I have to have good relation... @Anonymous

    I think her personality may be a bit like yours based on your response...she’s in her first year and I know she’ll become even busier. You’re right it doesn’t matter the distance, a friend is still a friend no matter how close

    peachie-kun September 29, 2018 3:26 pm
    I think that would be kind of hard for me because I was always one to listen to others’ worries but I never wanted to burden my friends with mine. Opening up is uncomfortable for me but maybe that needs to be... MeMeMe

    I'm the same. And I'm not just saying that. I dont like letting other people in on what I'm going through because I think someone always has it worse and I shouldnt complain. I know it's hard. But to me, it was more important for my emotional well being if I confronted my friend about it, rather than bottling it up and suffering alone :/ I hope you can come up a solution that works for you.

    MeMeMe September 29, 2018 8:27 pm
    I'm the same. And I'm not just saying that. I dont like letting other people in on what I'm going through because I think someone always has it worse and I shouldnt complain. I know it's hard. But to me, it was... peachie-kun

    Do you mind me asking? After you confronted her how did she react? You don’t have to answer, I know everyone reacts in different ways

    peachie-kun September 30, 2018 4:17 am
    Do you mind me asking? After you confronted her how did she react? You don’t have to answer, I know everyone reacts in different ways MeMeMe

    In my situation, she ended up expressing her own feelings to me and it turned out we were both missing the friendship. Life does get in the way and so does growing up and we both admitted that we had lost pieces of our friendship along the way. However, we vowed we would make it up to each other because neither of us wanted to lose our friendship.

    peachie-kun September 30, 2018 4:18 am
    In my situation, she ended up expressing her own feelings to me and it turned out we were both missing the friendship. Life does get in the way and so does growing up and we both admitted that we had lost piece... peachie-kun

    And now we talk often, just about everyday we have some sort of social media interaction. We have been out of high school for 4 years now and have only met up 2 or 3 times in that span of time. But we still make it work. And honestly I believe our friendship is stronger now than it's ever been.

    MeMeMe September 30, 2018 6:04 am
    And now we talk often, just about everyday we have some sort of social media interaction. We have been out of high school for 4 years now and have only met up 2 or 3 times in that span of time. But we still mak... peachie-kun

    I see...that’s really awesome, thank you for sharing. I feel somewhat more encouraged now

    peachie-kun September 30, 2018 5:01 pm
    I see...that’s really awesome, thank you for sharing. I feel somewhat more encouraged now MeMeMe

    I'm glad I could share my experience with you. Be strong and just do what makes you comfortable. I hope you may come up with the best solution ♡