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This behavior really wasn't surprising to me.

youraedthiswrogn September 28, 2018 11:45 am

It follows the story's buildup well. We've reached the point where Bum is really important to Sangwoo and now he's being more obvious about it. It's as he said, he thought Bum would like his "present" and didn't want Bum to hate him. He left originally because he was upset that Bum didn't like it and then came back because he was worried Bum would hate him more if he stayed away any longer. I think people got so used to reading into everything early on that now that Sangwoo is literally saying how he's feeling no one believes it's true or they try to read into it. People keep waiting for the big surprise even when crazy shit happens. Bum's uncle was just killed, we saw Bum go a little crazy and we just saw Sangwoo cut up and dispose of Bum's uncle's body while Bum was watching a movie, but people are still thinking that Sangwoo is up to something despite all that just happened and Sangwoo's behavior being supported by the buildup of the story. Their relationship has changed. A lot. He's willing to blow Bum now, judging by his struggle with that earlier, that's a pretty significant thing. I think it means he's finally 100% on board with his feelings for Bum, he's even talking about how he feels out loud, that's crazy.

    ;))) September 30, 2018 12:40 am

    Do you mean to Seungbae or the police?
    In Seungbae's case, Bum thought about Jieun and thinks that he can't escape.
    As for the police, Sangwoo made him lie and confused him when he said that they're a couple.
    Sangwoo didn't try to make him leave, it was a test and Bum didn't leave because he's afraid of the police that's why he was scared under the blanket.

    "Yes, and SINCE THEN he's had MANY opportunities to leave now that Sangwoo is more trusting of him, but he hasn't. You have a habit of only looking to the early."

    Bum has been obviously more brainwashed since the happenings of S1, but he's also blind and still sees the Sangwoo from the military in him. Sangwoo knows that Bum will leave as soon as he abuses him.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 12:51 am

    Also, you had said Sangwoo tells him to "shut up" in that scene in ch 35 because he knows he's raping Bum, but that clearly isn't the case. He is "punishing" Bum because he's mad, but by this time Bum is a weakspot of his so he's losing the conviction to punish him. He was going to do it outside, but he gave in to Bum and let them go inside which is when he heard Bum say "i like you" and you can visibly see him struggle with it. Look:

    Also, Bum goes to hold onto Sangwoo and it looks tender here:

    He's telling Bum to "shut up" because he's supposed to be punishing Bum, but he's losing control. The same thing happened earlier when Sangwoo tried to impress Bum at the concert and he tried to manipulate Bum into praising him (i'll give the link), but Bum suddenly says he wants to "fondle him". Bum always does the unexpected and makes him lose his grip, he had been fighting it until now, thats what the bj and this latest chapter were about. He's accepting Bum now.

    Here is Bum showing he's in love:

    Here is where he says "i wanted to fondle you", lol. You see Sangwoo's eyes go wide and he suddenly loses control and gets horny before frantically fucking Bum's mouth:

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 12:59 am
    Do you mean to Seungbae or the police?In Seungbae's case, Bum thought about Jieun and thinks that he can't escape.As for the police, Sangwoo made him lie and confused him when he said that they're a couple.Sang... ;)))

    What? But didn't you just point out multiple pages where Sangwoo DOES abuse him and he stays? You've got a little plot hole there. Sangwoo is being nice to him because he has progressively become romantically interested in Bum, he abused him and exposed him to his killings to see if he'd leave to test his love, he has no reason to be abusive now that he knows how Bum feels. You're trying to say that Sangwoo is acting nice to Bum right now to keep that "nice Sangwoo" impression Bum remembers, but that entirely clashes with the entirety of the story and even the bits you yourself brought up. He has already shattered his "nice" image.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:02 am

    Have you read my other topic about Sangwoo? Look here:

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:09 am

    Look here too, it's funny because you see Sangwoo trying to be sexy and control the situation, but Bum is refusing to blow him properly because he's jealous of Jieun, so he throws Sangwoo off again by saying "did you do it with her?", he actually gives in a little and assures Bum he didn't, then he fucks his mouth.

    Sangwoo is REALLY weak to signs of love/loyalty, Bum throws him off all the time and now he's got Sangwoo wrapped around his finger. Sangwoo came back in this latest chapter because he was actually WORRIED BUM WOULD BE MAD that he was gone so long, that's crazy! Hell, even as far back as ch 16 you see that Sangwoo wanted Bum to praise him.

    ;))) September 30, 2018 1:11 am

    That didn't look tender to me, it was a desperate attempt of seeking for affection. But he stopped. Like here:
    Which is also why I said that he has a Major Inferiority Complex.

    Nice point, I already knew about Sangwoo not wanting to lose control tho.
    It was also before he raped him, not like it wasn't already healthy there, but it was at least sexually still kinda consensual.
    Which pages do u mean?
    But here;
    1.Chapter 4, Sangwoo abuses him, Bum tries to kill him with rat poison to escape.
    2.Chapter 7, Bum still tries to escape even though "things got better", he knows that Sangwoo is dangerous.
    Chapter 15, Bum tries to escape even though he was at the moment in no danger.
    It was Jieun's Death that shattered everything, someone like Bum who always gives himself the fault ofc wouldn't say anything to the police nor try to escape since Sangwoo could go and lie to the police.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:17 am

    Here is a page as early as chapter 5, he already had his legs smashed and saw Sangwoo kill, but he still says this:

    He was put off for a bit when he saw the real Sangwoo, but eventually decided he's okay as long as he has Sangwoo. The "nice Sangwoo" has been a non-issue since forever now. Now "nice Sangwoo" is just the reason he started loving Sangwoo.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:18 am

    He gets scared he's going to die, he doesn't want to die, that's why he tried to get away those times that you pointed out. Now he knows Sangwoo won't kill him.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:21 am

    In the early chapters he was struggling between his survival instincts and his love for Sangwoo, it wasn't until Sangwoo approved of him that he felt secure enough to be okay with staying because at the time Sangwoo was letting whether or not he'd die float up in the air.

    ;))) September 30, 2018 1:24 am
    Here is a page as early as chapter 5, he already had his legs smashed and saw Sangwoo kill, but he still says this: was put off for a bit when he ... youraedthiswrogn

    Well he didn't saw Sangwoo kill yet, but yea.
    Also, that was still early, early obsessed Bum and the worse had yet to come at that time.
    Also, Chap 5, yes Bum shows his love, etc, but exactly 2 chapters later, he tries to escape, hell, Chap 6's cliffhanger has already shown that. While Bum was "okay" with the real Samgwoo, it was as long as he got affection from him and yet he tried to escape.
    Sangwoo was killing someone off screen on Chap 5 and Bum heard it, Sangwoo then kisses him and Bum took the chance. However, it doesn't mean anything if he literally had the intentions to escape a chapter later.

    ;))) September 30, 2018 1:26 am


    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:37 am

    See? He's specifically scared Sangwoo will kill him, but still wants to stay:

    Struggling with possibly dying:




    Struggling with loving Sangwoo:

    1. This page is a flashback to the military:

    2. THIS page, however is from their recent interactions and he views it as some of his fond memories of Sangwoo alongside the military memories:



    He just decided that his life was worth more than staying and possibly dying. I'm going to correct myself on something i said earlier, i had said "he's okay with anything Sangwoo does to him as long as the tradeoff is Sangwoo", but there is one exception. Dying. He's terrified of dying.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:40 am

    Now that dying is off the table he's much more receptive to Sangwoo. To be clear, it's not like he's OKAY with Sangwoo's crazy, he's just willing to tolerate it because, aside from death, Sangwoo tops everything else.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:44 am

    He only tries to escape when he thinks Sangwoo is going to kill him and even in those moments he calls for Sangwoo to save him:

    He calls for Sangwoo to save him while he's dying, do you still not think Bum loves him?

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:55 am

    I've shown you Bum saying he likes Sangwoo in all segments of the manga, beginning (ch 5), middle (ch 16.5) and end (ch 35). There is a lot more too. Hopefully that proves it.

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 1:56 am

    Hey i've gtg to work, see you in like 10 hours.

    ;))) September 30, 2018 1:57 am
    He's also not okay with getting abused. He was also done with Sangwoo after he hang him, the scene you mentioned.

    "He only tries to escape when he thinks Sangwoo is going to kill him"

    But outside of Chap 4, he had those intentions in Chap 6-8 and 15.
    In Chap 6, he didn't think that he's going to kill him, he just knew that Sangwoo is crazy and in Chap 15 he even told 2 people twice that he's kidnapped, also no thoughts of Sangwoo killing him.

    "and even in those moments he calls for Sangwoo to save him"

    Sangwoo was the only who was there and the one doing it, so who else would Bum call for to *save him" aka stop hanging him?

    ;))) September 30, 2018 1:57 am
    Hey i've gtg to work, see you in like 10 hours. youraedthiswrogn

    same oof, bye

    youraedthiswrogn September 30, 2018 10:52 am's also not okay with getting abused. He was also done with Sangwoo after he hang him, the scene you mentioned."He only tries to escape when he thin... ;)))

    I agree, he'd rather not be abused as evidenced by everything you've shown, but everything i've shown indicates that he still loves Sangwoo and is choosing to be with him in addition to him not liking being abused. He sees it as worth it. Did you see how happy he was when Sangwoo said they're dating during the arrest scene? And now that Sangwoo is taking him on dates and stuff? It's worth it to him.