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I feel bad for the guy in chapter 38 who's name I don't remember. Everything goes wrong fo...

notyurinotinterested September 23, 2018 12:29 pm

I feel bad for the guy in chapter 38 who's name I don't remember. Everything goes wrong for him. It's sad because he's one of the most interesting characters in the story.

    Cream Bun September 23, 2018 12:36 pm

    I agree everyone always trample all over him especially older women
    I wish they cld just give him a break ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Misheru-senpai January 17, 2019 10:34 pm

    Yeah, it's like, we've seen how he was just a normal guy and through misfortune after misfortune he became a psychotic pedophile who just wants to be normal, but can't.
    If you think about it, Sato being there might be the cause of this. If she didn't work at his workplace, he would never confess to her and the manager wouldn't have raped him. If Sato didn't take Shio in, she probably wouldn't be missing and he wouldn't have seen her picture. If he didn't try to find her and Shio, he wouldnt have met Sato's aunt.

    Cream Bun January 18, 2019 11:46 am
    Yeah, it's like, we've seen how he was just a normal guy and through misfortune after misfortune he became a psychotic pedophile who just wants to be normal, but can't. If you think about it, Sato being there m... Misheru-senpai

    Ugh her aunt .. she’s the worst character that I can’t take. Whenever she comes out I just cringe Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) I just see her as some sex craved psychotic addict who needs to be cut off as a character or better yet just make my wish come and make her die already (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I just can’t stand her

    notyurinotinterested January 19, 2019 5:17 am

    I'm kind of surprised Sato didn't kill the aunt. It seems like said aunt could only endanger her chances of staying with Shio (via telling someone about Sato kidnapping Shio)

    Misheru-senpai January 20, 2019 4:07 pm
    Ugh her aunt .. she’s the worst character that I can’t take. Whenever she comes out I just cringe Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) I just see her as some sex craved psychotic addict who needs to be cut off as a character ... Cream Bun

    I don't think about her like that at all. Unlike Sato who can't receive any kind of love from others except Shio, her aunt craves for any kind of love given by others. In most cases it's lust and violence, that's why she's going for that.
    I just wonder how she became like that. Why she thinks she needs to be 'loved' that way.

    Cream Bun January 21, 2019 3:37 am
    I don't think about her like that at all. Unlike Sato who can't receive any kind of love from others except Shio, her aunt craves for any kind of love given by others. In most cases it's lust and violence, that... Misheru-senpai

    I see well we both have different point of views on her
    no judgement here I sadly can't see it your way but you gotta good point ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Misheru-senpai January 21, 2019 1:10 pm
    I see well we both have different point of views on her no judgement here I sadly can't see it your way but you gotta good point ( ̄∇ ̄") Cream Bun

    It's good to talk about different perspectives. I'm usually never hating on anyone and try to understand them (except Fuwa, he can go die a virgin). Thinking about the idiom "Two sides of a coin", meaning something like "every story has two perspectives" and you should know both sides and then judge.