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My experience with dating only "My type"

Mameiha September 20, 2018 3:30 am

It's a load of horse shit that we use to give us an excuse for being treated like shit by the same shitty kinds of people over and over again. I used to date only "my type". After years of abuse and neglect, it dawned on me. Maybe the reason my relationships never went well was because I kept dating the same "type" of people. So, when someone who was the complete opposite of my type approached me, I said, "What the hell, let's try this." I've made some damn good decisions in my life, but that was, by far, the best. Not only was he just the opposite of my type, he treated me completely opposite to the way I had always been treated. He is faithful, supportive, funny, witty, intelligent, exciting in bed, fun, adventurous, he cherishes me, pampers me and became a wonderful role model for our sons. We've been married for 23 years, have 3 awesome sons and 4 adorable grandkids. So, if you can't figure out why you can't meet the love of your life... try looking for someone who isn't your type. You just might be surprised.
