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Why's it marked completed!?!? Surely there must be more of this????

Korea September 7, 2018 1:51 pm

Why's it marked completed!?!? Surely there must be more of this????

    Otaku24 September 7, 2018 1:54 pm

    Maybe the original is completed ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Kurenai13 September 7, 2018 2:55 pm

    It's mangago they always do this just report it and say it's not complete it's still ongoing they'll fix it I've had to report stuff like this 121 times because a lot of people here don't bother and just ask why it's complete when it shouldn't be and I very much doubt that the original is complete because it would say end or fin at the bottom and I've already reported this so it should be fixed soon.

    Dragomira September 7, 2018 10:39 pm

    The team scanlating this manhwa/Korean webtoon only upload their projects to Mangadex. They uploaded the first two chapters to Mangadex today and I don't think they intended to mark it as "complete" (it's marked as "complete" on Mangadex and whoever stole their project and uploaded it to mangago without their consent probably just copied that) - the raws, however, are complete; there are 17 chapters and three extras in total. Unless they suddenly decided to drop it, which is slightly unlikely seeing as they only uploaded this a few hours ago, I think they'll change its status from "complete" to "ongoing" with the release of the next scanlated chapter.
    As stated by the Random Fujoshis themselves, they do not wish for their projects to end up on sites, such as mangago, that make a profit off illegal translations.
    If you want to support the scanlators, I'd recommend you to read it on Mangadex instead; they've got no adds and a smooth UI to boot!