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You know? I am feminist, I am against sexism. But there are times that I hate women (I am ...

Haru-Nikiforov September 3, 2018 10:37 pm

You know? I am feminist, I am against sexism. But there are times that I hate women (I am woman). It's okay to gossip, but they are bullying him! Why do you care so much about his private life??? What if he was having sex with people to have money? It is none of your business bitches, yes, I said bitches! If I were Youngmin's boyfriend, I would cut my relationship with my cousin or relative. A person that loves making suffer people should go to a psychologist and see that they have a serious problem. Ok, calm down... Of course not all women are like these witches, I like gossip (who doesn't to do it in a while?), but as I wrote, there is a difference between gossip and ruin a person's life and love. Bitches, go and buy a life bitches. Are you kidding me idiot? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Most of the girls in manhuas/manhwas/mangas are witches that want to ruin the uke or seme's life and love. I hope these girls only exist in fiction... I REPEAT, I AM AGAINST SEXISM; I AM FEMINIST.

    Noodle September 4, 2018 12:01 am

    and then when they get caught talking shit they act like nothing happened. I go to an all girls school and I'm gay I remember this one girl was saying homophobic stuff about me when I was there and when she saw I was she just put on a fake ass smile and acted like it was nothing. Girls can be the worst for gossip like gossip is great and all but don't start to shit talk someone do they not know people other than themselves matter

    Haru-Nikiforov September 4, 2018 12:15 am
    and then when they get caught talking shit they act like nothing happened. I go to an all girls school and I'm gay I remember this one girl was saying homophobic stuff about me when I was there and when she saw... Noodle

    Yeah, that's exactly what I meant! Of course boys gossip, but I have never seen guys fighting over a gossip, most of my girl friends fought with me, and our friendship broke up. I am so sorry but is fake love, fake love ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Well, obviously we can't think that all girls do this and all boys do that, because it's unfair, and we would be lying. Okay, you gossip and when the person you are talking bad about him/her appears you smile and act like nothing happened, WTF? Have some nuts and tell him/her in the face, don't be a coward and start rumors! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    SquishyCatsss September 4, 2018 12:16 am

    Except you should know gossip is NOT AT ALL limited to women and hating only women because of it is just a very ignorant stereotype. One that you, as a feminist, should fight instead of support. But whatever.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 12:49 am
    Except you should know gossip is NOT AT ALL limited to women and hating only women because of it is just a very ignorant stereotype. One that you, as a feminist, should fight instead of support. But whatever. SquishyCatsss

    Read the comment... "of course not all women are like this". Unfortunately for you A LOT of women tend to be catty (like yourself, jumping to conclusions the way you did and jumping on your moral highhorse) and you don't really see men doing the same thing too often, that's just reality. Pointing this out isn't sexist either, it's an observation...

    nilsuki September 4, 2018 3:54 am

    This is why woman terrify most guys and some say that guys are just sexist, no most of us are actually amazing friends, but you can't expect kindness when you act shitty like that :/

    ZenRyu September 4, 2018 4:03 am

    Aye.. Hope so too that these witches only exist in fiction..

    Kyungsoo September 4, 2018 7:30 am
    Read the comment... "of course not all women are like this". Unfortunately for you A LOT of women tend to be catty (like yourself, jumping to conclusions the way you did and jumping on your moral highhorse) and... youraedthiswrogn


    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 8:52 am
    Damn Kyungsoo


    Haru-Nikiforov September 4, 2018 7:18 pm
    Read the comment... "of course not all women are like this". Unfortunately for you A LOT of women tend to be catty (like yourself, jumping to conclusions the way you did and jumping on your moral highhorse) and... youraedthiswrogn

    HAHAHAHA thankfully someone read all my comment, not the first part and think wrong

    THANKS (⌒▽⌒)

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 7:57 pm
    HAHAHAHA thankfully someone read all my comment, not the first part and think wrong THANKS (⌒▽⌒) Haru-Nikiforov

    Np :^D

    Haru-Nikiforov September 4, 2018 9:03 pm
    Except you should know gossip is NOT AT ALL limited to women and hating only women because of it is just a very ignorant stereotype. One that you, as a feminist, should fight instead of support. But whatever. SquishyCatsss

    I recommend you to read all the text and then comment back what you think about me (● ̄(エ) ̄●) And yeah, I am feminist, but that doesn't mean that I have to aprove all women's actions because they are women. As we feminists tell men's bad actions, we also tell women's wrong actions. I wrote this in my first comment: Of course not all women are like these witches, I like gossip (who doesn't to do it in a while?), but as I wrote, there is a difference between gossip and ruin a person's life and love.
    And this is what I wrote in my answer to Noodle, obviously we can't think that all girls do this and all boys do that, because it's unfair, and we would be lying.

    Hope you won't make the same mistake in the future, I don't have any relationship with you, but maybe you will have serious problems (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Luna94 September 4, 2018 10:03 pm

    This is an interesting topic, i agree girls can be very catty/two faced but i have to say in my expirence ive always found boys to be more intolerent when it came to people being different, for example my secondary school had a high number of deaf students and kids with learning difficulties and they were always picked on by boys but not so much girls, same thing with a gay classmate, he was very popular with girls but was treated shitty by the guys. Obviously not every guy is like that lol.

    Haru-Nikiforov September 6, 2018 12:44 am
    This is an interesting topic, i agree girls can be very catty/two faced but i have to say in my expirence ive always found boys to be more intolerent when it came to people being different, for example my secon... Luna94

    You are right, authors should show these types of scenes. When guys also gossip about others problems,, because it is actually happening. I don't know the reason why MOST of the authors put the girls as the antagonists. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    youraedthiswrogn September 6, 2018 1:02 am
    This is an interesting topic, i agree girls can be very catty/two faced but i have to say in my expirence ive always found boys to be more intolerent when it came to people being different, for example my secon... Luna94

    So, as a guy i can give a little insight as far as my own personal experience. Guys tend to take longer to mature, but when they do they tend to hold strong to their beliefs and speak out. What you're describing sounds more like how young guys act in a pack, there is a phase in highschool where it's "cool" to be the the jock alpha male and these types tend to stick together and be rude to others. From my experience, patience tends to come to guys with age and they tend to mellow out.