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We can't blame on Seungtaek either, he grown up in a house of gentlefolk, he can't freely ...

nillin August 24, 2018 2:25 am

We can't blame on Seungtaek either, he grown up in a house of gentlefolk, he can't freely do what he want. And they are just highschool students, they aren't mature enough to deal with their emotions. Actually i don't very like mc, hes a bit annoying, but when his story come, he became cute =)) btw, don't blame "this asshole", "that asshole", because everybody in this manhwa are assholes

    Arc August 23, 2018 9:02 am

    “Everyone are assholes” lol

    lemonkun August 23, 2018 2:27 pm

    finally an intellectual lol