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Their both kinda ... Stupid. DG shouldn't have done this. So he might not deserve to be hi...

Extraordinary August 19, 2018 2:48 am

Their both kinda ... Stupid. DG shouldn't have done this. So he might not deserve to be hit ( if it's happening ) but he deserves to get thrown out. Maybe for Alex ( dunno his real name anymore lel ) to end this relationship for good - doing them both a favour. I mean... Doesn't DG learn from all of his earlier experience and such with Alex ??? He's doing the harm to himself and I might not understand but this is clearly on DG. Alex DID SAY IT'S JUST SEX. And if DG doesn't just want sex then he should just... Uggh. I dunno. I'm fed up with ukes who are OBSESSED with their crush and do stupid things.
Don't say that Alex is way better. But at this moment I'm more upset with DG. Sorry not sorry.
Aaahhhh me just ranting.

    Extraordinary August 19, 2018 2:49 am

    *They're. Sorry. Pls, internet don't kill me over a typo.

    Diamond August 19, 2018 2:50 am don't even know his real's said on the first page.

    Extraordinary August 19, 2018 3:12 am don't even know his real's said on the first page. Diamond

    Yeah. Kinda was just skimming through... Kinda guessed what'd happen and was not disappointed.