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Even if he were gay

Akino_Yonaga August 16, 2018 12:28 pm

It's not like gay people go out with other gay people just because you're gay. You're too short for him, chibi, and not enough of the main character to date him. Move.

    Jancf August 16, 2018 1:24 pm

    People also don’t go out just because they’re tall enough for each other lol. As a gay person myself, two people being gay is enough reason for the them to begin dating, though this only applies when you’re in middle/high school. You need to understand that people are not so open yet about being gay when still in school so when you meet someone that’s also gay, you kind of start to become more aware of that person and may even become attracted to them. Of course, that person may not be your type but if the two of you are not too bad looking and is average in personality and looks, being gay is enough. Sure, now looking back at it, it was kinda stupid that I dated at least 5 guys in middle just because they were gay but where else was I supposed to meet people and at least have some decent experience in dating at such a young age ( lmao im only 17 why am i talking like im 30 or some shit haha)

    Akino_Yonaga August 16, 2018 11:45 pm
    People also don’t go out just because they’re tall enough for each other lol. As a gay person myself, two people being gay is enough reason for the them to begin dating, though this only applies when you’... Jancf

    Yeah, I can totally see what you mean! You make a very valid point.

    What I can't see is why exactly I said that about being short XD I can't even recall writing that tbh (that's what I get for reading manga as soon as I wake up, I guess).