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They're not perfect but their relationship is goals. They're both honest that's why their ...

Trin August 14, 2018 5:47 pm

They're not perfect but their relationship is goals. They're both honest that's why their arguments doesn't last that long. And Mu is just so sweet and adorable and goofy and optimistic, really you cannot not like him. Shu is admirable too by being always upfront with what he would be like in a relationship, though he ended giving Mu a bit of a leeway when its needed. Which is another plus, because at least he's being reasonable with his possessiveness unlike you-know-what.

One more thing I like seeing in this manga is Mu's relationship with grandpa Wakatake and Haruna. Ultimately, the pacing of the story is just perfect, not rushed, but just right.

    hataki August 15, 2018 1:47 am

    i love all these same points. plus when Shu bullies him, he might laugh, but he always seriously checks if he is okay. like, how fucking sweet is that??