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Amorim August 11, 2018 3:57 am

I mean I did like it but it just seemed to me like whichever cousin would have made the move on him first would of gotten him. They look exactly the same and it seemed that either would do as showed in the bath scene. I didn't see any deeper sense of love that I personally like in ficticious romances but it was still good. Also yall complaining over here about how it's licensed well guess what? Renta not only took 50$ from my account when I bought 2 chapters but also didn't let me read the book so fuck them. And anyone on this account is stealing no matter how you rationalize it. You're taking their potential sales and saying otherwise makes you a hypocrite. I read my illegal books and sleep like a baby, if you don't, stop reading on this site or just read up cuz otherwise you're missing out
