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i understand why they're acting the way they do,.. and it's sad to see how they both hurt ...

ladyannelise September 19, 2013 2:51 pm

i understand why they're acting the way they do,.. and it's sad to see how they both hurt each other:(
i love this yaoi,.. i love the art, the plot and the hot scenes are perfect and yummy...and because i really like it, i couldnt help myself to seek out the raws.. im not sure if someone already posted this out, but if anyone's interested and is looking for it, here it is.....

    BlackSecret September 19, 2013 4:36 pm

    I agree..Love it too.. is amazing.. is one of the best i have read.. feel like reading it over and over.. the storyline is soo well balanced.. you never get bored of it..