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I have tears for Shingo because he dosn't understand what Kakami ment. Kakami isn't breaki...

yaoinewreader September 19, 2013 1:19 am

I have tears for Shingo because he dosn't understand what Kakami ment. Kakami isn't breaking up with him he is trying to tell him this way it will last for ever there will be no ending in their relationship. Shingo can't understand this way of thinking. Kakami can't explain it well because this is his first time falling in love. they are eachothers first love. They both are clueless.

    yeah, well September 19, 2013 2:16 am

    That's what I thought after reading the 3rd chapter but it doesn't explain why he didn't kiss him

    Ren September 19, 2013 3:21 am

    i think so his feeling will still remain the same... kakami doesn't want to fall in love too deep. they're both hurt....

    aniMED12 September 19, 2013 3:22 am

    Uh no. That is not the way I interpreted Kakami's behavior at all. He is clearly saying if you don't have the faith to believe in me and our relationship the way I believe in you then let's involve ourselves in no further intimacy other than the strict meeting of bodies to satiate our lust. This is clearly why Kakami will not kiss Shingo and clearly why he isn't releasing scent when they are having sex. Kakami is punishing Shingo for witholding true trust in him. Which is ridiculous given the warning that Shingo's friend gave Kakami and what occurred in the first manga. Shingo is damaged goods. He wants love and wants to give it but really doesn't know how. Punishing him will only make him withdraw further from the person who can harm him the most emotionally.