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OHHH there you go Shingo not only you let that photographer touch your butt, but now he to...

Venus September 18, 2013 9:17 pm

OHHH there you go Shingo not only you let that photographer touch your butt, but now he took photos of you, you invited him to bed and on top of that you went to sleep on his lap. Then Kakami is seen as a jerk who just ask to go back to being sex buddies, but he is suppose to take all of this sh*%#@ nicely, yeah right.

    Linda September 18, 2013 8:35 pm

    He didn't let him touch his butt, and all the other stuff happened after Kakami asked them to become just sex buddies, which hurt Shingo a lot since he has issues with being left, and therefore he's acting out.... Not saying Kakami isn't hurt as well since their relationship wasn't going so well but he know what Shingo is afraid of (since Shingo's old friend, whatever his name was) talked to him about it.... why can't he just talk to shingo about his feelings? A lot of yaoi would make so much more sense if they talked about what they were feeling, but then we would lose out on the drama.....

    sweetyaoibaby September 18, 2013 8:44 pm

    kakami hurt shingos feeling thats why he need someone to talk to ....

    Terra-K September 18, 2013 9:12 pm

    I think Shingo just needs someone to be by his side (photographer). I still don't understand why Kakami wanted to break up anyway. Still loved it. Thank a bunch for the update. ^^

    Venus September 19, 2013 3:29 am

    Ummm imagine you have a lover with an attitude the he does not care for anything and whatever is ok with him, How would you feel? Because that's the attitude Shingo has toward Kakami, sure we all take Shingos side since he have a sad past but Kakami is also hurt by Shingos attitude.