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Images not shown up

Laxmy August 8, 2018 1:42 am

Please help, images not shown up, even after restore default browser setting. What happen? Thanks

    Yoowon August 8, 2018 1:48 am

    For now try weekssummary site (it has the same mangas here)
    If u are redirected to mangago try mangarock (it has good amount of manage but not all the ones here)

    I would also suggest trying another browser such as UC browser or aloha browser(it has VPN) but u may have tried this already
    Maybe go icognito?

    Another solution which may sound ridiculous,log out and try to read ?
    Hope it works for u ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Cristina August 8, 2018 1:48 am

    we got the same problem here

    Yoowon August 8, 2018 1:50 am

    Try UC browser or aloha browser

    -log out and read as anonymous
    -go incognito
    -use VPN
    -go to weeks summary or manga rock

    Yoowon August 8, 2018 1:56 am
    Try UC browser or aloha browser -log out and read as anonymous-go incognito -use VPN-go to weeks summary or manga rock @Yoowon

    Weeks summary is a name of a site btw
    If u redirected to mangago u can check mangarock

    Another thing try change the location on ur browsers settings ?