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I think, even Star or Fanboy, they are " real" for me. Star has all the thing people wan...

4yaoiam July 23, 2018 2:59 pm

I think, even Star or Fanboy, they are " real" for me.

Star has all the thing people want to have. He rich ( yeah if an actor like him is poor, then I don't know why there still a lot of people want to be an actor anymore ), he handsome, he kind, and he thoughtful, he is a hard-working type too. All of that make him a successful one, it's because he a hard-working one, he will try to do it until he success, that why he is the most successful actor.
( in the chapter 6 7 - you could see that he tries to feel the character, and when he watch F' play. He didn't just watch it, he observed it, and figured why F could act like that and then learn it, and use it in his way. he does it like he has done for hundred times already - which mean, he has " learnt " from others a lot. )

he thoughtful, and he kind. Well, he was born that way, and if he doesn't that thoughtful and sensitive, do you think he can be that successful like he is now. Keep in your mind that, the entertain industry in Korea is very strict, really strict. And all the actors, idols in that country have to remember to always be polite and kind and always smile and bow to everyone. Even if you are younger or older. He has a lot of friends, even the producer is one of his friends too, which mean he really know how to handle with people and relationship around him.

you think he is too innocent. Let's be honest, to survive in that industry and you can so innocent, you are done for. remember the chapter when he in the hospital, he did know that the producer want to take aventage on that, he knew it! and he didn't feel it was wrong or something, that how people in that industry work. and the paparazi too, he said " that was their job, they have work to do". It wasn't because he is kind it was because he understand them.

And one more thing, you could see in the whole chapters, that he only attend in talk show only one time, he spend the rest of his time to take shot, he busy with his work, which is a normal thing for those who work in entertainment industry. that prove the phrase : He succeed for being " no scandal " and a hard-working, a talent actor.

    4yaoiam July 23, 2018 3:16 pm

    and for Fanboy. let's see, Fanboy is a model university student. He is kind and he has talent, he has something to worry for ( his future - which is one of the thing most people at his ages think of ). he modest.

    in ch73 and 74, he worry about the younger girl, and he choose to step forward and ask if she is ok. he that kind, he is a 23 years old boy, and a straight boy, he has a manly side in him too, he isn't always that fluffy and sweet to others. he a good " sempai" to others too, you can see that he is welcoming by everyone, and they respect him as his talent.

    he is modest one, well, even after he has been friend with Star, he still try his best to be a real fanboy to Star. ( when he has to go around his house to find the bottle with Star' picture on it; when he told Star that it fine, he want to have Star sign by himself so he refused to ask Star so sign it up for him. and when he come to Star' house, he said, he cant take everything like that, he want to pay for it, at least he will take one thing only. And it took him quite a time to think and consider what to take, to not make it a bother to Star. you know what, if you ever be a Fan, you will know the feeling like can't hold it in you when someone told you to take whichever the goods is. ( goods here cost a lot of money ok, some of it is limited too). even when their relationship is so close, Fanboy always think if he a bother to Star or not. He always keep that in mind, and he worry about Star too.

    in chapter 34 and 35, did you see how sad how desperate he was. that how normal person was hurt when their most important one got hurt.