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All y'all bitches crazy. *period*

Livid July 17, 2018 8:00 am

Both Heejae and Sunyool are terrible choices for Jisuh.
1) We already know Heejae is manipulative and it was pretty random how all of a sudden he wants to be in a relationship for once and actually care for somebody elses feelings other than his own. He's super quick to make big life changes to get Jisuh closer to him but he has a MAJOR insecurity complex about assuming anyone close to him will leave him.
2) Jisuh also still has some issues with his ex, who's most likely abusive and likes to pop up and shake him up and doubt himself.
3) Sunyool is sweet and adorable but terribly clingy to the point where it hindered Jisuh. Pretty sure Jisuh just felt like he was taking care of a kid/puppy and with Jisuh's calm/mature personality he sorta indicated by his demeanor with Sunyool that it was getting tiring.

REALISTICALLY: Jisuh should stop persuing them both and find somebody else because 2 emotionally unstable and insecure people in a relationship is EXTREMELY unhealthy. Especially when one of them has a history of being a manipulative b*tch. (Heejae & Jisuh)
AND Jisuh has made it clear he wants a real MAN in his life that understands the meaning of the word "NO". (Sunyool & Jisuh)

    Anonymous July 17, 2018 8:05 am

    I totally agree with you.

    Ugly Medieval Baby July 17, 2018 8:09 am

    If I could give you 30 thumbs up i would

    nilsuki July 17, 2018 8:17 am

    I sometimes am amazed at how people think deeply about these stories. While here I am, picking on my nose and drooling in 0 attachment to this story :D

    plants r cool July 17, 2018 10:18 am
    I sometimes am amazed at how people think deeply about these stories. While here I am, picking on my nose and drooling in 0 attachment to this story :D nilsuki

    same tbh