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oh man the ending doesn't satisfy my yaoi fantasy..i hope there will be brother 3 or somet...

nutella baby September 10, 2013 8:51 pm

oh man the ending doesn't satisfy my yaoi fantasy..i hope there will be brother 3 or something with a better ending.

    ladyannelise September 12, 2013 11:42 am

    i know how you feel, it would have been nice if we get to see more.. >_<
    i already read this before but i thought i remember Yui going to coach-san to be trained? huh.. maybe im remembering a different manga?, haha!

    this one's definitely good ^_^
    although Yui lost an opportunity to become a better player, he was able to stay beside Asuka.. i guess, he just chose what's more important for him - it's the reason i love this seme a lot - of course, his hotness is a huge plus ;)