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Wtf he's such an asshole i feel like as more chapters get released we get to see more of t...

reishi58 July 12, 2018 8:49 pm

Wtf he's such an asshole i feel like as more chapters get released we get to see more of the wife's pov and i sympathize with her more. As a woman after childbirth your body goes throughmany changes and it's difficult to re enter the workforce if you stop working temporarily. Her husband mocking her body and past dreams is uncalled for. He just reminds me of some sleazy old man that needs affirmatiom, to think he even got her pregnant at such a time -_- i get how she could have also tried to communicate more about things like the baby clothes and cot etc but the intention behind her actions are usually good whereas the husband .... (︶︿︶)=凸

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon July 23, 2018 1:51 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Pile_of_sht

    And this is why i gave up reading this because even at the begining when the ife was worrying about their son in tye future and the husband was like no he isnt even born yet only to then later on turn around and say what kind of a mother are you for not thinking about your son. Thats what made me stop reading this. Came back to see whats going on....and well...dont regret dropping this. Can not believe they made a live action to this.