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Over glorified But good for a once read over

Sharni July 8, 2018 4:31 pm

Like it was alright, there wasnt really a twist and the ending made no sense, wasnt yuri, and it just felt like a battle royal with no killing, how can you win. felt like the main character was just turned into a bodyguard bitch, with no real will, seemed odd i havnt a clue how someone can survive a hunting knife to a tiny body like that. i didnt get that scene, or getting up after a three or four story drop, or a fifty story one.

So many unanswer questions and It was see Through from the point that they assigned the rooms, and the play was a plot give away, a shell that needed to attach itself to something, they never really went into detail on anything, like the scars

    notyurinotinterested July 11, 2018 6:35 pm

    They explained that the scars were from past attempts on whatshername's life.

    Sharni July 13, 2018 10:49 am

    yeah i mean the ones around her arms are legs look like they had been chopped off. It is just they should have threw a little more in on those ones, like the other chick had robotic limbs lol. I was confused unto i read the extra manga thing about why the romeo chick seemed dead, but they showed she drank poison. I was blown away when the trumpet girl had survived and in the extra was moving around with a fucking huge knife in what would be just around her heart lol.

    notyurinotinterested July 14, 2018 12:02 am
    yeah i mean the ones around her arms are legs look like they had been chopped off. It is just they should have threw a little more in on those ones, like the other chick had robotic limbs lol. I was confused un... Sharni

    The ending was really dumb, I agree.