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Sangwoo being nice to YoonBum is genuinely making me nauseous and keeping me in the verge ...

Taekook July 4, 2018 6:58 am

Sangwoo being nice to YoonBum is genuinely making me nauseous and keeping me in the verge of a panic attack. Like I don't trust it at all, but I want it so badly. I can feel my stomach twisting and churning uncomfortably every time he does something " nice". Also, seeing how sweet Sangwoo once was, and his mother before the abuse breaks my heart. They both just wanted live and a happy family. They were both so sweet and loving, until that stupid abusive father decided to start hurting his wife. It's really sad.

    clouds July 4, 2018 11:56 am

    From the insight Sangwoo gave, his mum could be considered abusive too, although this like stemmed from her own mental illness and wanting to undermine her own abusive husband in front of her son. Everything in Killing Stalking is in there for a reason, so what do you people think about the "tofu incident". Usually sending a child to fetch a few food items from the local shop is regarding as a way to build life skills, but I don't think that this i all there was to this. It was a means to get Sangwoo out of his personal space, and look through his things (like she did by reading the love letter which overstepped a boundary and humiliated her son). Another argument is that such tasks give the parent some free time, but Sangwoo's mother was a housewife, so she was home alone for most of the day, and Sangwoo appeared a quite child, getting on with his homework etc. Maybe memory loss, or stress could result in repeatedly forgetting something from the weekly shop, but I don't think this was the case. Instead these scenes show Sangwoo's mother trying to exert authority over her son, in order to claw back some control and dominance that she feels has diminished due to her own awful marriage and health issues.

    Ok that's enough about tofu. (⌒▽⌒) Maybe others have read this scene differently though?

    Blaze July 4, 2018 4:57 pm

    I feel you, it's like in every scene Sangwoo do nice things I can't help thinking "Oh God... What's happening to him...? I'm getting some chills..... did he awaken some second personality or what..? " It's making me nervous even though what he's doing is a good thing.

    Olivia125 July 4, 2018 5:34 pm
    From the insight Sangwoo gave, his mum could be considered abusive too, although this like stemmed from her own mental illness and wanting to undermine her own abusive husband in front of her son. Everything i... clouds

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought about the mother being abusive too. To be honest, I didn't think about it this much (well, I've just read it), but your analyse doesn't seem wrong