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Aw man. I hope they don't fuck up the story even more with the girl falling for the dad or...

6v6 June 28, 2018 2:24 pm

Aw man. I hope they don't fuck up the story even more with the girl falling for the dad or something like that. That's gonna be another big drama for Yeonho to deal with.

    Annapnp June 28, 2018 7:48 pm

    Agreed.. Honestly, I feel sick just thinking about it.. I will lose any respect I have left for Youngun and Yeonho deserves love and affection, not more cr*p!!
    I'll seriously just drop it if that happens.

    Idrak July 2, 2018 7:51 am

    Seriously, same. I'm almost scared now. Like dude, Yeon Ho doesn't deserve this crap. And goddammit his dad is a middle aged man and Young Un is a minor. If they pull this crap it's gonna be the worst kind of NTR.