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sorry for the crass language in advance

mia996 June 26, 2018 12:29 am

sigh... I tried to find words that will describe my growing dislike for this manhwa. At first let me be honest, I liked this manhwa so much. But after this chapter I can tell you that I will stop reading it as of this moment on. Throughout this whole chapter, I was like "oh bitch, just no."

Here's my honest opinion, the chinese (who's name I don't even wanna know) and Siwon deserve each other. They are both idiots and both of them are manipulative as hell. Siwon is naive as hell and will believe anything you tell, he would believe pigs fly if you told him, also blushing really Siwon, look beyond the fog that's covering your eyes. OK the Chinese guy is pure and simply a sadist, a disgusting person who takes pleasure in others humiliation, he suits Siwon so much because both of them are manipulative and both of them don't care for other people's feelings. I don't want to forget to add this, Siwon can fight when he's arguing with Chinese guy (like throw a punch or a pillow) , but when he is literally being sexual abused he just lays down like a blow up sex doll, and moans like a freaking whore. I do consider it rape, but it's hard seeing it as rape when the victim, next morning thinks in his tiny little brain that the rapist likes him, and that he's only doing it because he loves him, and just blushing at that thought, is enough to not see it as rape.

Kang Jinha is the only decent person in this whole manhwa. But he's treated so poorly by everyone even the person he dearly loves. As kid he had a hard life but as he grow up, he changed and became a independent person. I think that the love interest that the author had in mind for him was so wrong. At first I like Siwon and Jinha together, because it was all so cute and lovely, and Siwon wasn't a huge jerk back than, but now I see it how perfectly incompatible they are. The only people that pique my interest for Jinha is Siwon's best friend or this guy in the ending of the chapter, the owner? of the restaurant.

So that's my opinion. Sorry for the crass language again. Just had to rant. Also this is my first time writing something this long. Jesus I need a life.

    mino June 25, 2018 11:59 pm

    Wow I agree so much!
    I just want to see Jinha be happy, that's the sole reason I keep reading.
    Imo I also thing he should end up with the Donghun or the other guy.

    Like does Siwon still not know that the Ex kidnapped and tortured his best friend? like wtf