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Ryan is an angel I feel so sad ,,, please don't die

Asma June 20, 2018 12:43 pm

Ryan is an angel I feel so sad ,,, please don't die

    Zion June 20, 2018 3:00 pm

    He tried to kill kyon, ma baby

    Asma June 21, 2018 12:51 am
    He tried to kill kyon, ma baby Zion

    But he didn't right? He was just angry I don't think he was really going to kill him though,, plus kyon is a spy and Ryan saved kyon and Sihan he is the best

    Zion June 21, 2018 12:53 am
    But he didn't right? He was just angry I don't think he was really going to kill him though,, plus kyon is a spy and Ryan saved kyon and Sihan he is the best Asma

    He did but he had to bring kyon back to life. Or cielia did.

    Asma June 21, 2018 1:05 am
    He did but he had to bring kyon back to life. Or cielia did. Zion

    Oh common please ,, he had many opportunities to kill kyon but he didn't ,, he even hid him from the introns he clearly was only trying to scare kyon because he loves lucaon as a son and wasn't thinking straight and since he knows he is dying he wanted lucaon to stay safe no one is perfect clearly he was angry but he is so kind and nice to everyone even the people he doesn't really know like Logan stop hating on him please he is the best