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Read the raws all the way to the end and loved it. XD

sasuke will suceed September 2, 2013 12:56 am

Read the raws all the way to the end and loved it. XD

    Ian Somerhalder lover September 2, 2013 3:52 am

    Yes! read the raw
    When Kuro was having sex with Daia, Kuro asked Daia to turn him into a vampire. So at the end Kuro is vampire and lives happily with Daia. ^0^ such a cute ending.

    Vae September 2, 2013 3:39 am

    @Ian Somerhalder lover Oh, really? I kinda hoped Daia was gonna be with Shishou, but you could tell Kuro and Daia were gonna be together at the end of ch. 3 anyway... c:

    Ian Somerhalder lover September 3, 2013 2:50 am

    @Vae, Shishou is an evil man, he's just faking everything. He isn't nice he's just using Daia.