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i know is rude to say this but why cant they update more often.

diraizel June 16, 2018 12:23 pm

i feel like most of the manga will start to slow their update progress whenever people start give attention to their manga.
i know it might hard to translate but i dont believe it need more than a week to translate a single manga. even if it need a week i dont think it will need a month and what worst a few month?
some time i few like they are trying to play our patient. TT

    Rain June 16, 2018 12:27 pm

    coz they have this-so-thing-called life ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    nickname June 16, 2018 1:15 pm

    wish you can help them get their translation done faster than ever so we can read it soon :)

    Sara June 16, 2018 1:35 pm

    Your comment is downright idiotic... Usually in a team people need to 1. Scan 2. Translate 3. JP proofread 4. ENG proofread 5. Clean 6. Typeset 7. Quality Check. Often this is done with a varying amount of people, who all need to work together perfectly to make it get out as fast as it can. You can't typeset until it's cleaned, etc. Cleaning 30 pages can take a month if done at a reasonable pace, a 2 week deadline is insane and will drive members away eventually, since we all got lives. Work? School?? We can't eat and sleep in photoshop, so. Usually groups have to plan out the mangas months ahead so everyone is given enough time to make it work as fast as we're used to. Stop being an uneducated ass and actually talk with scan groups before spewing shit like this.

    KyoZaNa✿ June 16, 2018 2:31 pm

    It's not only translation but there're tons of works to do. They often ask for help, why don't you volunteer then.
    ★★★ Please.. DO NOT post anything to dispirit people who have worked hard for others.

    yixi June 16, 2018 2:45 pm

    either learn to be grateful that these are people with lives and are willing to provide translations for others without expecting anything in return or learn japanese and read the raws if ur so impatient

    diraizel June 16, 2018 4:30 pm

    i understand that but it just i have read some of the manga was like out everyday at the beginning but when people start to increase the progress have become slower and slower and now was like several month just out 1 chapter. thats why sometime it make me frustrated. some of them its like maybe near a year. then what is the reason at the beginning they can update at such fast speed but when people increase to read those manga it become slower. if it was from the beginning i think it was fair.
    because thats mean it really need that much time for that group.
    i do feel appreciate and grateful for them to help us translate since i dont really can read japanese. but what i am angry is dont make my hopes up. everyday i was waiting for their manga to update. but then what i get is disappointment. because most of the manga i count the date they normally out but then after not long they take longer then longer then longer. and for these few week is like some of my favourite manga i am chasing has become like that. thats why i am so angry. i know it was bad to say that. but i do think there are some people think the same as me. but i wanna ask before you guys scold me did you guys really never though like that before, not even a little? will you swear? did you really never get angry why is not out yet or why it become more slower to update or why when they really updates it have some problem or error?

    Zeno June 16, 2018 4:44 pm

    What an ignorant way of thinking dude.

    diraizel June 17, 2018 5:21 am
    What an ignorant way of thinking dude. Zeno

    sorry if it sound ignorant. i just wanna express how i feel. so are you saying i cant even express my own feeling here. then there is not only me they are other people who not only express but complaint the story of the manga and etc. but they only post it in the manga comment. are all of them ignorant too?

    FloresDelMal June 17, 2018 5:40 am
    i understand that but it just i have read some of the manga was like out everyday at the beginning but when people start to increase the progress have become slower and slower and now was like several month jus... diraizel

    yep never, i am super grateful for the hard work that authors and scanlation groups put forward for our enjoyment, you already got rightfully scolded so i wont go there again, but before discouraging with your unrealistic demands the wonderful ppl who sacrifice their time for us and considering how your tolerance to frustration is so low, why do not try first to become part of the solution and join a scanlation group, you can also learn japanese and read directly from the raws, buy your own copies and read even those works that never got digitalized, or if you are unwilling to do any of the above the easier alternative is to just stop of reading works in progress and limit yourself to completed mangas, also there are scanlation groups that work ridiculously fast, but they are human and they can not deliver updates while the original publication is in hiatus or delayed, mangakas are humans, not machines, and often overwork themselves so much that they have a shorter life expectancy than ppl in other fields, too many of them pushing themselves quite literally to their graves to satisfy a high pressure industry, with often unforgiving "paying" readership that sometimes feel entitled enough to pressure them in the artists social media... and that is bad enough, but to complain when you are not even investing any time or money seems more than a bit unfair

    nickname June 17, 2018 7:16 am
    i understand that but it just i have read some of the manga was like out everyday at the beginning but when people start to increase the progress have become slower and slower and now was like several month jus... diraizel

    I did feel frustrated with ongoing manga, so I read-mosly-completed manga. I put many ongoing manga on hold to easy my mind. Completed manga won't torture me because I need to wait for next chapter :)

    let's praise the lord of scanlation group for their godly-ability and time so we can read a bunch of nice manga, like today

    Zeno June 17, 2018 8:03 am
    sorry if it sound ignorant. i just wanna express how i feel. so are you saying i cant even express my own feeling here. then there is not only me they are other people who not only express but complaint the sto... diraizel

    If thats what you got from my comment, then you're very wrong. I never said you can't express how you feel, I said the way you are thinking is ignorant. Many authors and scanlation groups work hard and put effort into what they are doing, so that we as readers can enjoy. If a certain manga got a lot of recognition, I'm sure the author and scan group want to put even more effort, therefore maybe taking a bit longer to release after gaining traction. Also, they have what is called a personal life. They can't constantly sit at home and work nonstop just to please us. For manga authors, it's their job that they already put loads of hard work into. Just 1 chapter can take a long time. I draw, and a simple illustration can take me up to 5 hours or even more.

    Also, story criticism and complaining the authors aren't releasing fast enough are different, highly different. It isn't ignorant to criticise a manga for it's bad story or characters. It's helpful because the author can learn how to improve using that information. But having someone complain that they aren't releasing fast enough or that scan groups take too long is just plain and simple ignorance. I'm done.

    diraizel June 17, 2018 8:13 am

    well i guess what you guys said is right more like i think to highly of what i thought of everyone will at least think a little bit like me. well i do think i am childish sometime but i guess should at least apologize. and for what you said FloresDelMal, if i really can join a scanlation group or maybe help them i think i will. but sadly i cant. cause some personal problem and family issue.
    well to tell the truth i really do grateful for them to help us translate those manga. because of manga i can go through my daily life no matter how hard it is or how bitter it is. and how many time have those manga save my life. and i get frustrated because of how important those manga to me.
    well i guess is really bad of me to post something like that. without even think twice because of the sudden anger. i am sorry guys and thank you for scold me for the childish me. but i will not delete the post so that it can remind me of what you guys scold me and what i have learn from you guys so i wont do the sane mistake again. ^^
    and lastly i am not a dude. -_- i use the nickname of Diraizel cause i really like the main character of a manga call Noblesse. well i just wanna let you guys know.
    i am so sorry guys and hope you guys will forgive the childish me. and if i ever do the same or similiar mistakes again please do scold me and correct me. and sorry for the broken english. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Zeno June 17, 2018 8:26 am
    well i guess what you guys said is right more like i think to highly of what i thought of everyone will at least think a little bit like me. well i do think i am childish sometime but i guess should at least a... diraizel

    Appreciate that you apologised and were mature about it the apology as well, feels like a lot of people (not pointing fingers) can't do that on this site sometimes.

    Also if you are referring to when I called you dude, it wasn't because I assumed you were a guy, I just say stuff like "dude, man, m8, etc".

    diraizel June 17, 2018 8:35 am
    Appreciate that you apologised and were mature about it the apology as well, feels like a lot of people (not pointing fingers) can't do that on this site sometimes. Also if you are referring to when I called yo... Zeno

    ooo haha i guess i have misunderstand it. cause well in my state i means my country dont really speak english. but my sister do teach me dude is referring a guy so i though maybe i should said that when i apologized. well thank you

    FloresDelMal June 17, 2018 8:52 am
    well i guess what you guys said is right more like i think to highly of what i thought of everyone will at least think a little bit like me. well i do think i am childish sometime but i guess should at least a... diraizel

    well we all care a lot about manga here, and we all make mistakes at some point or other, but if you really can't contribute and also can't wait but still need your manga fix for get you through whatever is going on in your life there are thousands of completed mangas available on the site, just be thankful for the time and effort of the ppl that made it possible for us to enjoy these works, you seem like a good kid, i am glad that you reflected your position, it's ok to express your feelings, just remember that other ppl have feelings too, and they can get discouraged or hurt, have a nice day ^^

    Jessy ^^ June 17, 2018 9:11 am
    well we all care a lot about manga here, and we all make mistakes at some point or other, but if you really can't contribute and also can't wait but still need your manga fix for get you through whatever is goi... FloresDelMal

    ok. undertsand and thank you^^

    Pri IV June 17, 2018 9:22 am

    Honestly, this is what I think for a micro second but then I take a minute and think how many hours I take to translate a 12-page document ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭