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Disappointment (maybe spoilers)

felly June 15, 2018 1:34 pm

I just wanted some development for Woojung(not with Jinwoo ) cz he is the only reason why I am here(art as well) but new chapter is out and same shit wtf dude just fkn wake up and stop whining they are gays. I though he could leave this shit and stuff but no his still screaming.Now I hate myself for still loving him. Dear mangaka plz make him progress what if SEhoe and Woojung are gonna start dating and he understands how shitty his lover is or something bad happens to him,I don't know anymore I wish i could get something more than homophobia and manipulation.34 chapter is out and its time for development maybe,same shit gets boring and annoying for me.

    MidoriFujoshi June 15, 2018 8:51 pm

    I agree about the development of Woojung. Like you, I came for both him and Jinwoo. A lot of things irked but one of the things that irked me the most is that he started off as the main character and now he's just Seohee's "dog" or smth doing her a "favor" all the time.

    The story shifted more towards the new couple, which is cute and all but I hope the author gives Woojung something more to his personality than just being a puppet for Seohee and homophobic - which I think is too complicated to reason with him.
    It came from his brother "ruining" the family and that hatred towards the family breaking apart mixed with the homophobia. If only his father didn't react that way, he could've been more accepting of his brother whom he once loved ; _ ;

    I'm sure the author will doing something more about him since there may have been a foreshadowing of the family getting back together or smth (with the dad + Woojung talk). I also really hope that he stops like Seohee. . .

    **Btw, sorry for the long reply > _ <