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Guys I just had this thought...

peace_yow June 14, 2018 9:59 pm

This is gonna be a long post so yeah... you've been warned xD
I once heard that statistically, one in 10 people is gay. So I was thinking about manga and Japan today... and wondered how the fictional homosexual population (in manga that is, not counting novels, movies, etc.) compares to the real one in Japan. Like .... are there actually more fictional gay Japanese people than real ones?
( ̄∇ ̄") I'm just talking about the men, as BL is more popular so there are far more of those stories.
But then I did a bit of research... even though it's probably more like 5% are gay (counted in the US, I'm just adopting it for Japan), and even that is an overestimation, that still leaves us with about 3 million gay men. (I took 127 mil population, subtracted women according to men/women ratio, divided by 20 and rounded down from 3.08 to 3 mil cause overestimation)
So that's when I realized.... there's no way there are more fictional ones ( ̄∇ ̄") as there would have to be about 1 mil BL stories (I'm taking 3 gay men per story as average, most often there are gay friends or rivals too)....
I read on a site that there are about 4000 mangaka in Japan working fulltime so (I have no way of estimating accurately lol) let's just generously say there are all in all 1000 BL writers, including the ones not drawing anymore and the ones drawing part time or using their leisure time. Then each would have to draw/have drawn already 1000 stories ( ̄∇ ̄") my god this thought seems so idiotic at this point XD
But even so, I'm curious when the amount of fictional ones would surpass the real one... like in a couple hundred years when the real ones stay constant cause yanno humans die but the fictional ones keep increasing ...
Does anyone here know how many BL manga stories there actually are and how many are produced each year? xD this topic is oddly interesting to me XD

    Anonymous June 14, 2018 10:01 pm

    Where is that stats based? I highly doubt 1 in every 10 men are gay in Iraq.

    Emm June 14, 2018 10:06 pm

    I’ve never thought of that lmao. Well I’m interested to know more information so I do hope this topic will grow.

    Visoura June 14, 2018 10:07 pm
    Where is that stats based? I highly doubt 1 in every 10 men are gay in Iraq. @Anonymous

    You won't know if they are now ,would you ? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    clouds June 14, 2018 10:07 pm
    Where is that stats based? I highly doubt 1 in every 10 men are gay in Iraq. @Anonymous

    Even if someone chooses to get married to someone of the opposite sex, and their country might stigmatise, and torture those that are gay, doesn't mean people aren't gay. You are born gay, just others have greater freedom and respect in order to being able to live truthfully, others have to live a lie.

    peace_yow June 14, 2018 10:08 pm
    Where is that stats based? I highly doubt 1 in every 10 men are gay in Iraq. @Anonymous

    Lol more like you highly doubt they're openly gay? xD
    That originated in the US during the 70s, claimed by Voeller, who based this thesis on Kinsey's research in the 40s.well yeah, it's debated

    Anonymous June 14, 2018 10:11 pm

    Shit I triggered 2 responses. Time to dip

    Anonymous June 14, 2018 10:13 pm
    Lol more like you highly doubt they're openly gay? xDThat originated in the US during the 70s, claimed by Voeller, who based this thesis on Kinsey's research in the 40s.well yeah, it's debated peace_yow

    That's another way to say it.

    Mama Fujoushi June 14, 2018 10:28 pm

    I'm pretty sure that 10% (as someone else pointed out) from OLD stats is way off base. In the 70's that was OUT gay people. Very very few were willing to admit to being gay.

    There are still a LOT of people unwilling to come out. If there is less than a solid 25% (both out and not), I'd be really surprised. This goes for pretty much everywhere. I'd be willing to bet MOST places have a much larger gay (and lesbian) population than statistics would show because most places still have a high percentage who are firmly in the closet.

    If you're talking about how many OUT gay men there are versus what's shown in BL... I don't know because a huge percentage of the BL I read has at least one of the members still in the closet (and the other identifying as "straight except for you"). So...

    clouds June 14, 2018 10:32 pm
    Shit I triggered 2 responses. Time to dip @Anonymous

    If you are really interested in this, then your own country should have government data available on their affiliated websites about those who identify as LGB and social attitudes.
    It might be interesting to compare how in your own country progress has been made in people feeling able to identify as LGB, and maybe disparities between age groups. Now, considering that people from Iraq could and do claim asylum due to being persecuted for being gay, might not be able to be open about their sexual orientation meaning any polls aren't exactly going to be truthful when people are scared to "come out" in case they get killed by their families.

    peace_yow June 14, 2018 10:41 pm
    I'm pretty sure that 10% (as someone else pointed out) from OLD stats is way off base. In the 70's that was OUT gay people. Very very few were willing to admit to being gay.There are still a LOT of people unwil... Mama Fujoushi

    Lool your estimate reminded me of this a lot of people guessed the same xD

    Anonymous June 14, 2018 10:52 pm

    You have too much free time ..

    Mama Fujoushi June 14, 2018 10:59 pm
    Lool your estimate reminded me of this a lot of people guessed the same xD peace_yow

    That's a great link. Thank you!

    I think because there are still so many unable or unwilling to admit to being gay (and let's not even talk about being bi/pan!), the public perception is based on faulty data and a lot of anecdotal evidence. I wouldn't trust the Family Research Council any farther than I could throw them (which is... not at all). They're going to skew shit. Same goes for any other private organization. I'd still trust surveys more than "professional" statistics because so many of those are based on assumptions going in. (Also, I took statistics and I dun' trust them one bit. You can make them say ANYthing.)

    peace_yow June 14, 2018 11:36 pm
    That's a great link. Thank you!I think because there are still so many unable or unwilling to admit to being gay (and let's not even talk about being bi/pan!), the public perception is based on faulty data and ... Mama Fujoushi

    Ikr, it's really difficult to find objective, accurate and trustworthy statistics and even surveys... cause you can never know whether they really represent the whole or not, whether someone purposely or accidentally manipulated the result (goes for both the people giving and handling the data), etc... but it's still better than nothing xD

    Anonymous June 14, 2018 11:44 pm

    ew why are you so obsessed with gay men? gross bitch

    Anonymous June 14, 2018 11:45 pm
    You have too much free time .. @Anonymous

    that girl has no life indeed yikes

    ur gay son June 14, 2018 11:46 pm
    ew why are you so obsessed with gay men? gross bitch @Anonymous


    ur gay son June 14, 2018 11:46 pm
    that girl has no life indeed yikes @Anonymous


    peace_yow June 14, 2018 11:57 pm
    ew why are you so obsessed with gay men? gross bitch @Anonymous

    Rather than obsession, I'd say it's interest... humans are just fascinating

    Fukessu June 15, 2018 12:26 am

    Are bi people still considered gay. They are gay but they're also straight so?????

    peace_yow June 15, 2018 1:08 am
    Are bi people still considered gay. They are gay but they're also straight so????? Fukessu

    As per definition, I don't think they are. However, some surveys just had the criteria of having had sex/sexual interaction with the same gender... as the boundaries aren't always very clear, it was easier to group bi- and homosexual people together I guess
    However, those three expressions are mutually exclusive (I think). You can only be one of them xD like orange has both red and yellow in it but it can't be called either of those