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Finding a manga!

MasakoHijirikawa June 14, 2018 1:53 pm

A yaoi manga where uke's name is Ran or ranmaru(i cant remember)And then in a chapter a teenage girl came to live with the uke and seme and another dude and the uke thought the girl was a boy because of the short hair and boyish clothes.Then the girl i think saw the uke and seme doing it and then morning passed the uke waked up looking sexy and then in another chapter the uke and the girl is kidnapped.The uke texted the seme while hiding the phone.The girl had a flower tatoo on her chest i think(Maybe the back idk)And the guys who kidnapped the girl and uke said that the tatoo wasnt there before and appeared now.And another chapter is that the uke is gonna do it with someone else.Please help me find it its not Harami Bara ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
