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Silver Diamond

peace_yow June 7, 2018 3:47 pm

Waah silver diamond is in the top 5 shounen ai again >w< one of my favorites owo so precious those two~
Any silver diamond lovers here? *raises hand for high five*

    Anonymous June 7, 2018 4:03 pm

    I used to be a fan until I read through that stuff which was classified as shounen ai didn't contain an ounce of boy love. We really need a bromance tag.

    Tracki12 June 7, 2018 4:05 pm

    I am not only a Silver Diamonds fan, I love all of Sugiura's works that I have read. I just wish some of them didn't get dropped part ways through scanalating or were officially translated into English **sigh**

    peace_yow June 7, 2018 4:18 pm
    I used to be a fan until I read through that stuff which was classified as shounen ai didn't contain an ounce of boy love. We really need a bromance tag. @Anonymous

    I think they're a bit too far in for it to pass as bromance xD or maybe our definitions of bromance are different lol. They're so into and devoted to each other, definitely seems like platonic love in a romantic sense to me... btw have you read silver diamond gaiden? That "yaoi" tag, I was like "frghhaaaaaa don't fucking get my hopes up ok *cries*" XD

    peace_yow June 7, 2018 4:24 pm
    I am not only a Silver Diamonds fan, I love all of Sugiura's works that I have read. I just wish some of them didn't get dropped part ways through scanalating or were officially translated into English **sigh** Tracki12

    I really like 2 of her other ones, shuuten unknown and that (uh forgot the name xD) one with the devil or so in the cave. The one with the 2 childhood friends in high school was a bit too dark for me *sniffs* pwq and I haven't started the Cinderella one cause incomplete manga can be torture XD I love how the couples always have that devoted and special to each other feel to them (☆▽☆) (≧∀≦)

    Anonymous June 7, 2018 4:40 pm
    I think they're a bit too far in for it to pass as bromance xD or maybe our definitions of bromance are different lol. They're so into and devoted to each other, definitely seems like platonic love in a romanti... peace_yow

    There are only two chapters out yet right? Really hope to see some sex but I doubt it haha. The thing that disappointed me the most with this author though isn't the lack of BL content. It's the art. It was so so beautiful at first but it's not the same in the more recent chapters of her works. Check out that Koori.. something. It was breathtaking at first but now it's too different and lacks that detail and charm.

    peace_yow June 7, 2018 6:09 pm
    There are only two chapters out yet right? Really hope to see some sex but I doubt it haha. The thing that disappointed me the most with this author though isn't the lack of BL content. It's the art. It was so ... @Anonymous

    Haha I can't seem to remember that name either xD it's interesting that you think that way, when I took a look just now at some of the earliest and latest chapters, I found the latter's art to be more gorgeous in general xD lol maybe we have different tastes