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Cinnamon.png June 6, 2018 7:00 pm

I admire people with mutuals/friends that share the love to yaoi. I'm not joking! I don't know a fcking person (in real life) who likes yaoi. I don't even have mutuals I can talk to (abt yaoi/manga etc).

Just some small ranting - thanks for reading

    jelly_1412 June 6, 2018 7:16 pm

    same here

    Juni ♡ June 6, 2018 7:23 pm

    same here. it sucks not having any friends with the same interests as you.

    เคท June 6, 2018 8:30 pm

    yeah it really does suck, a good amount of people at my school think yaoi or anything gay is disgusting, they’re the type to use ‘gay’ as a insult, I have a friend who is accepting of yaoi/bl but I think she’s more into non-canon ships..