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Kyunsuk is actually a great male MC?!! At first I thought he would be your standard hot as...

AyukiOnna June 5, 2018 8:18 pm

Kyunsuk is actually a great male MC?!! At first I thought he would be your standard hot asshole, but I feel like the author was making a point about the typical "rough and aloof" male comic MC by having him realize that his somewhat violent behaviour would be scary to a girl, and have him APOLOGIZE to her for not taking her feelings into consideration. Like I know we're all supposed to think it's the hottest thing ever when a hot manga lead throws the female MC against a wall or grabs her constantly by the wrist to lead her around (and yeah, sometimes it kinda is ;)) but this is actually very refreshing. THE SELF-AWARENESS. I LOVE IT. Generally this comic has been much smarter than it looks and a good surprise all around I would say.

    daynight June 5, 2018 8:45 pm

    my boi kyungsuk came so far im so proud