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Jinwoo x Sarang!! Yes!

Crazed Fujoshi May 30, 2018 6:32 pm

Yay finally! They are together! Now if only Seohee will realize tha it’s never going to happen. She is the only one that isn’t (at least starting) to move on from the past. You know the reason he’s never noticed that you liked him it was because he’s gay. So get over it and move on! And I’m actually starting to understand Woojung more for his reasons for being mad at Sarang (even though they aren’t very good reasons to be that angry) but you can see he’s starting to slowly get over it. I hope soon that they can actually have a civil conversation together without him flying off the handle (anger management much).

    Anonymous May 30, 2018 10:30 pm

    Hmm... I think you are talking too soon. Woojung actually gets worse when he finds out Jinwoo is dating Sarang. It's not just Seohee who doesn't get it that love can't be demanded. Woojung is at his worst immature and selfish state in the next chapter.
    And no, there are no reasons at all for him to be mad at Sarang. His brother never did anything to hurt him. Woojung however bullied him when he found out he was gay and hasn't changed even now that he is a grown up.
    Woojung probably going to hit bottom before he realize his homophobia is the cause of his problems, not his brother.

    Anonymous May 30, 2018 11:03 pm
    Hmm... I think you are talking too soon. Woojung actually gets worse when he finds out Jinwoo is dating Sarang. It's not just Seohee who doesn't get it that love can't be demanded. Woojung is at his worst immat... @Anonymous

    1) Jinwoo literally said that he isn't interested in Sarang in that way--> he lied through his teeth because few chaps after that he asked Sarang out and said that he was interested in him for a long time
    2) And Sarang pretending to be Woojung and slept with his brothers's bbf who was in love with his brother wasnt ok. Would you be happy if the person with who you are in bad terms pretended to be you and slept with your best friend?

    Woojung's behavior is disgusting but I cant agree with you in this 2 points.
    And many people said it but Woojung didnt bully Jinwoo for being gay. His homophoby is tied with his brother and is rather the result of the problems that appeared in their family because of that.

    lol May 31, 2018 12:10 am
    Hmm... I think you are talking too soon. Woojung actually gets worse when he finds out Jinwoo is dating Sarang. It's not just Seohee who doesn't get it that love can't be demanded. Woojung is at his worst immat... @Anonymous

    Are u fkn kidding me? He was mad but when Jinwo told him about Sarang Woojung disappeared for 4 or 5 chapters and was sad thats all.where u saw that Woojung gets worse? plz give me raw just where?

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 12:23 am
    1) Jinwoo literally said that he isn't interested in Sarang in that way--> he lied through his teeth because few chaps after that he asked Sarang out and said that he was interested in him for a long time2) ... @Anonymous

    1) Jinwoo is the most honest and frank character in this story. He didn't lie, he clearly wasn't thinking about anything romantic with Sarang at that point. And what he was replying to? To Woojung asshole accusation that just because he couldn't get him he went after his brother. What kind of idiot says that to his friend that he knows has feelings for him? Woojung was demaning Jinwoo to cut off his friendship with Sarang based on his hate. What an asshole. Jinwoo started to hang out with Sarang more and more and they bonded and they feel happy together and then Jinwoo started to think that he was missing him. Stop bashing other characters just to make Woojung look better. Jinwoo was always honest and up front with all of them. It's absurd to drag Jinwoo through the mud for the sake of saving Woojung's face

    2) Sarang pretending to be Woojung when he got drunk was his and Jinwoo's problem. If anybody had to say it wasn't okay it was Jinwoo but as soon as they met again, Sarang confessed what he did and Jinwoo forgave him. Woojung only is mad at Jinwoo being friends with Sarang because he blames his brother for his problems. He doesn't even know this happened so what the fuck are you talking about? Jinwoo is not Woojung's property, he is not his lover, boyfriend or anything romantic so it is not his business who his friend sleeps with. Again, you are bashing Sarang just so Woojung doesn't look so bad. Compare this with Woojung, who is supposed to be a friend to Jinwoo, using emotional blackmail to try forcing him to date Sorhee. He not only behaves just as selfish as the girl but he goes one step forward because when he starts this, he knows that Jinwoo had feelings for him. What does he want: -- "Reject my brother because of me and go date Sorhee because of me. " Now that he knows they are dating, he goes beyond that and actually asks Jinwoo who gave him permission to do so. I mean, he acts worse than a 10 year old. The point with Woojung is not only his homophobia but the fact that he is a self centered man, much like the girl. They act horribly with other people and they claim victims and they believe others to be blamed for their problems when in fact, they are aggressors.

    3) Woojung behavior is disgusting both when he was young and worse yet, now that he is an adult. For people minimizing the seriousness of Woojung's homophobia, I can only say, what a shame. Go back and read the chapters: as soon as he finds out that his brother is gay he asks him if he got hard watching him. He tells him that he doesn't want to be seen in the school with him and he tells him that being his brother is shameful enough. If this is not raging homophobia, the same kind that those kids where doing to Sarang before, tell me what it is. This are the words every homophobe kid uses to bully other. Now that he is a grown up, his words of choice are 'gay freak' and 'filthy'. Never mind that he physically attacks his brother. He is on canon --- please go read the story --- saying to Jinwoo that he can't accept his brother being gay --- when they are boxing. I mean, can people please stop minimizing how homophobia framed Woojung's lack of support and bitterness for his brother? No one say what he said if it's not out of ugliness of thinking that being gay is wrong.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 12:33 am
    Are u fkn kidding me? He was mad but when Jinwo told him about Sarang Woojung disappeared for 4 or 5 chapters and was sad thats all.where u saw that Woojung gets worse? plz give me raw just where? @lol

    I'm sorry but it was Woojung who cut off Jinwoo when he refused his demands to stop seeing Sarang. Don't act as if it was Jinwoo who ended the friendship when it was the other way around. Jinwoo is actually mostly upset with Sorhee because he caught up with her game with lying to Woojung and Woojung, like a good puppy he is, is going after Jinwoo because the girl ordered him to.
    Do you want raws? It's below. See if you can tell apart who is Sorhee and who is Woojung because they are EXACTLY the same kind of immature selfish brats.
    They both have the same tantrum faces when they can't believe things are not the way they want and Jinwoo or other people don't sacrifice themselves for them:

    Jinwoo is no pushover and he knows that both he and Sarang are doing nothing wrong. He doesn't need anybody permission, especially if it's out of immaturity and selfishness. If other people have a problem with them, it's on them.

    Stella May 31, 2018 12:34 am
    Hmm... I think you are talking too soon. Woojung actually gets worse when he finds out Jinwoo is dating Sarang. It's not just Seohee who doesn't get it that love can't be demanded. Woojung is at his worst immat... @Anonymous

    Ikr? I was like what the hell dude why does he need your permission to date sarang.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 1:01 am
    1) Jinwoo is the most honest and frank character in this story. He didn't lie, he clearly wasn't thinking about anything romantic with Sarang at that point. And what he was replying to? To Woojung asshole accus... @Anonymous

    In 3) you forgot to add the scene with the dad. When his homophobe dad finally admits their mistake and that being gay isn't a big deal .... Woojung's attitude is : 'Why do we hav to be the understanding ones' ? as in saying that he doesn't want to give up his point that they were right in rejecting Sarang and kicking him out. He still doesn't get it that being gay was never a choice and doesn't hurt anyone.... being homophobe is a choice and does hurt other people like what he did and still does to his brother. The very fact that Woojung blames his brother for his family's split, when all Sarang did was to be born gay, is the show of his homophobia. He doesn't blame the father or himself, he blames the gay brother who was born in a way that made impossible for him to be accepted.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 1:18 am
    I'm sorry but it was Woojung who cut off Jinwoo when he refused his demands to stop seeing Sarang. Don't act as if it was Jinwoo who ended the friendship when it was the other way around. Jinwoo is actually mos... @Anonymous

    i was talking about getting worse?I know how shitty brat is Woojung calm :D i just said in last chapters his not worse he just disappears

    Crazed Fujoshi May 31, 2018 1:38 am
    1) Jinwoo literally said that he isn't interested in Sarang in that way--> he lied through his teeth because few chaps after that he asked Sarang out and said that he was interested in him for a long time2) ... @Anonymous

    You do realize that peoples emotions for others can change. At the time he wasn't interested in him, but as he spent more time with him these feelings developed. They spent every day from the time Sarang got hurt until he was released from the hospital and even after together. And developed feelings for the other along the way. I think you need to re-read this whole story and see that he was not lying at the time he said that. So, no Jinwoo is not a fucking liar, especially about his feelings.

    As for Sarang pretending to be Woojung, he admitted that he was wrong in doing that and was honest the next time he saw Jinwoo, apologizing to him for it. He felt guilty for having done it immediately afterward. And Jinwoo accepted it.

    Lola May 31, 2018 1:45 am
    i was talking about getting worse?I know how shitty brat is Woojung calm :D i just said in last chapters his not worse he just disappears @Anonymous

    I was referring to the next chapter when he finds out that Jinwoo and Sarang are together. He goes as far as to ask Jinwoo who gave him permission to date Sarang. Then goes full Sohree on him grabbing Jinwoo's clothes. I hope this is his rock bottom and then from here he starts some self re evaluation. Or maybe just a tragedy or something hitting him really hard will make him come to his senses and grow up 10 years in one day to catch up his age. The way he thinks and behaves now -- both he and the girl sounds like they got stuck in middle school pre teen drama age.

    Crazed Fujoshi May 31, 2018 1:45 am
    Hmm... I think you are talking too soon. Woojung actually gets worse when he finds out Jinwoo is dating Sarang. It's not just Seohee who doesn't get it that love can't be demanded. Woojung is at his worst immat... @Anonymous

    Oh I didn't know that. I don't really look at the raws. I just say what I hope happens when I comment.
    Seohee just needs to get over her I want it my way or no way attitude. I can't stand her. and using Woojung to do her bidding like that is super low of her. I think she's the worse of the two honestly, manipulating someone who actually has feelings for her to try and get the person she has feelings for is just messed up.
    At least, their dad has seen the error of his ways of the past. If only Woojung would follow suit.
    Yeah he probably will. Probably when he loses everyone he cared about all because of his discrimination and hatred. Now that I think about it him and Seohee would probably be perfect for each other. I mean they technically have the same personality.