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oh no..

souleater98 May 24, 2018 7:36 am

poor Jaeha.. I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen, but why did it have to be him? he was so kind and cute!

yoseob isn't even aware that he killed the one most precious to him which makes it even more painful (for me) to read this.

I feel really sorry for all of them, for the innocent people that died becasue they were there at the 'wrong time' (logically they were there because of the crash and wanted to help! but didn't know there was a psycho with a knive there), the friends that will be traumatized for life for seeing such a horrible scene or being hurt badly, yoseob for the fact that he didn't receive help when he really needed it, and of course jaeha for the fact that his death was just unfair and I really wish he could've lived on a happy life..

#intears ╥﹏╥
