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"anguel?" !!! ha! so cute- I LOVE it!

Lover August 23, 2013 3:54 am

"anguel?" !!! ha! so cute- I LOVE it!

    Lover January 26, 2014 2:59 am

    Wowowowoah. Who the fuck are you? Are you stealing my name you fucker? I'm 'Lover'. I've been 'Lover' first and forever, so who the fucking shit are you?! Damn, I hate this shit when people use other people's names. Pick a different name. There are like 9 billion choices fucker. Be 'fucker' if you want something short and fucking simple. Just don't use MY name. Damn motherfucking idiot.

    Chill bro January 26, 2014 3:32 am

    Seriously, it's not the end of the world. They may not have known somebody else was using the name and it's a pretty simple name anyways, so someone else is bound to use it. You don't gotta cuss up a storm about it.

    Ryuka-chan January 29, 2014 3:46 am

    If you wanted a unique name, come up with something stinkin' ORIGINAL then. For all we know this other 'Lover' may have been using that name longer than you. Ever think of that you, genius? Ai, i'm just rubbing my temples now trying to process the irritation I feel for your comment.

    NANIS March 31, 2014 2:32 pm

    i agree with * chill bro * and *Ryuka-chan*.. if u pay atencion u will see the "lover" coment was over six months ago.. and yours was just like 2 months ago..maybe he or she had the same name as you for a while.. just the never post on the same manga, until now.. it was just a coincidence.. just relax..we are all here to enjoy..

    ekarineaMika=_= March 31, 2014 3:46 pm

    I agree..other than just put 'lover'...why don't add somethng bfore or aftr tht nme..'KindLover' perhaps..