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RedFromMars May 20, 2018 2:21 pm

Our beloved beta deserves to be out of this bullshit love triangle because he's a cinnamon roll and he deserves so much better!
I think the author is trying to build up a threesome or love triangle like on his/her other story Bokura no Koi wo Kimi wa Shiranai but is failing horribly because it seems like she doesn't know where the story should go... I think she should just go and create stories where the main couple are already determined and that will also save us from hating on the story and feeling sad for the character who deserves all the love. I am so disappointed, this story have so much potential only if the author have focused more on Fuji and how betaxomega will help each other to prove they can break away from the mainstream alphaxomega thing. But NO, the author tried so hard to enforce the love triangle and tried to make the alpha good so that there would be readers who'd ship them. Though that failed horribly cause as much as I can see, we're all Team Beta.
