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Can i have some advice?

Amae May 16, 2018 2:19 pm

I really need help i am doing self harm and been depressed for so long and its really been a pressure to me since im in college and all these family stuff. I dont know what to do these days ive been really doing self harm a lot and i just cant stop its my way of letting my feelings out. Thank you.

    AnLu May 16, 2018 2:28 pm

    If you have time, you should start a hobby. Nothing big but something that takes your mind of all the bad things.

    Mary Scholl May 16, 2018 2:28 pm

    just remember, my mom tells me everyday that I am a whore. I destroyed our family's name and other personal shit too. I have been traumatized by something(personal). and I too do self harm. goodluck and stay alive. I also punch walls too!

    Evithaaaaaaaaaaaa May 16, 2018 2:30 pm

    start doing hobbies im sure it will help you stay strong

    heavs May 16, 2018 2:33 pm

    Seek advices from professional such as psychologist if you already reach this stage. Also there is this free app on app/play store called "Calm Harm", I have seen the app worked to many people. Also from my experience, I get out from my room/house and have talk (this can be anything you want to talk, maybe about your environment or books/movies you like) with the people I know. It may not stop your depression but at least your mind can be distracted and stop yourself to do self harming. If you're looking for someone to talk here, feel free to drop a message. Good luck and stay safe! (●'◡'●)ノ

    1OvErDoSE01 May 16, 2018 2:59 pm

    Rethink your decisions. Is cutting yourself really the best solution? Probably not. Try to distract yourself from the need to cut, and instead surround yourself by being around positive people or,if you aren't a big fan of people, find yourself in a calm surrounding.

    AveIsAFudanshi May 16, 2018 4:49 pm

    Same I'm 13 and started to hurt myself again after 3 years of being clean, I gave my mom a letter telling her I'm suicidal and depressed as fuck but I wasn't ready and it made me hurt like hell inside and I thought it was a good idea to let her know, damn it sucks to be a foreigners daughter stuck in a third world country

    Amae May 17, 2018 5:57 am
    Seek advices from professional such as psychologist if you already reach this stage. Also there is this free app on app/play store called "Calm Harm", I have seen the app worked to many people. Also from my exp... heavs

    Hello thank you for the advice ill try downloading the app. Im really having a bad time. Can i talk to you?

    Amae May 17, 2018 5:58 am
    Same I'm 13 and started to hurt myself again after 3 years of being clean, I gave my mom a letter telling her I'm suicidal and depressed as fuck but I wasn't ready and it made me hurt like hell inside and I tho... AveIsAFudanshi

    Thank you. I know what it feels like to tell your problems to the wrong person and they jusy make it worse.

    Amae May 17, 2018 5:59 am
    Rethink your decisions. Is cutting yourself really the best solution? Probably not. Try to distract yourself from the need to cut, and instead surround yourself by being around positive people or,if you aren't ... 1OvErDoSE01

    Thank you. Ill try doing that.

    Amae May 17, 2018 6:00 am
    start doing hobbies im sure it will help you stay strong Evithaaaaaaaaaaaa

    I do have a hobby but you know it just when anxiety attacks its like you want to do something but its not right you know somethings wrong and you dont know it.

    stormyseas May 17, 2018 6:19 am

    Hi good stranger. I was at your shoes not long ago. I was bullied in high school for 3 years, and bullied by my lecturer at college for 4 years, my parents were getting divorced, my boy friend was four-timing me... some good reasons to hurt myself. I was ready with a kitchen knife one day, and ready to kill myself. But then I thought, I hadn't given my all until that moment. In short, I was hesitating.

    So what I did was I wrote ALL things good about me. I keep that paper in my wallet until now. So whenever I have bad thoughts I would read it again and again. Every time I read it, I would add another good point about myself. I don't know, it really works for me.

    I mean, please, please look at only the good side of everything you face. Don't let those bad thoughts haunt you. I hope my experience helps you in any way. I just want you to know, if right now you're feeling like you're not loved, look at these stranger writing their supports to you.

    Who ever you are, I hope you find peace in your heart. (sorry for bad English)

    heavs May 17, 2018 9:09 am
    Hello thank you for the advice ill try downloading the app. Im really having a bad time. Can i talk to you? Amae

    Sure, I'll be happy if I can help even for a little bit. Feel free to drop a message and we can discuss where to chat (if it's a bit hard to have a chat here) (●'◡'●)ノ

    Amae May 17, 2018 10:31 am
    Hi good stranger. I was at your shoes not long ago. I was bullied in high school for 3 years, and bullied by my lecturer at college for 4 years, my parents were getting divorced, my boy friend was four-timing m... stormyseas

    Im really thankfull for the advice and thank you for telling your story. I really trying my best too. Im really thankfull its just at this moment you know everythings so hard to breathe.

    Amae May 17, 2018 10:32 am
    Sure, I'll be happy if I can help even for a little bit. Feel free to drop a message and we can discuss where to chat (if it's a bit hard to have a chat here) (●'◡'●)ノ heavs

    Do you have line? We can chat there and thank you so mich for your advice.

    Amae May 17, 2018 10:32 am
    If you have time, you should start a hobby. Nothing big but something that takes your mind of all the bad things. AnLu

    Thank you so much for the advice ill try my best

    stormyseas May 17, 2018 11:48 am
    Im really thankfull for the advice and thank you for telling your story. I really trying my best too. Im really thankfull its just at this moment you know everythings so hard to breathe. Amae

    Yeah of course. I know how hard that feels. You've tried hard and appreciate yourself for it. It's okay, sweetheart. You're going to be okay, I promise.

    heavs May 17, 2018 12:18 pm
    Do you have line? We can chat there and thank you so mich for your advice. Amae

    Yes I have, I'll message you my line id :)